According to what emerged from the latest issue of Captain Tsubasa Magazine published in Japan, Yoichi Takahashi announced his retirement from the world of manga. The author of Captain Tsubasa has two series under his belt for the franchise, Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun And Captain Tsubasa: Memoriesand both will end in the next issue of the magazine due out in the month of April.
Despite this, there will be other stories of Captain Tsubasa edited by other mangaka. Takahashi has stated that he will supervise the scripts of future adaptations, as he wants it to Captain Tsubasa explore the plots that he himself would have liked to draw.
As for the reason for the withdrawal, the mangaka states that the decision was not made lightly. Takahashi has faced a number of health issues over the years, and a change in the creative environment helped Takahashi take the plunge.
“I think I'm still healthy today. However, as I continued to make manga, the age-related decline in my physical condition became inevitable. The speed at which I draw has slowed down considerably… what's more, my vision has gotten worse. It's hard to concentrate.”
Also said that the manga industry's transition to digital art has been very challenging for him. For this reason, as he prepares to face a new year, the creator of Captain Tsubasa he felt 2024 was a good time to retire.
Captain Tsubasaalso known as Holly and Benji in Italy, it debuted in 1981 and has since sold over 90 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling sports manga ever.
Source: Captain Tsubasa Magazine Street
#Captain #Tsubasa #Yoichi #Takahashi #announces #retirement