Under the crystalline waters of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, in Almería, a world as fascinating as unknown is extended: the submerged and semi-submersed sea caves. These formations, the result of thousands of years of interaction between the sea and the mainly volcanic substrate, which characterizes this coast, are an example of the rich natural heritage that houses this protected space. The Junta de Andalucía, through conservation and awareness measures, works to preserve this delicate ecosystem, key in the environmental balance of the Mediterranean.
The Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, with more than 49,000 protected hectares, is one of the most important maritime-terrestrial parks of Andalusia. Declared Biosphere Reserve (1997), Special Importance Protection Zone for the Mediterranean (Zepim, 2001) and World Geopark (2006) by UNESCO, combines unique volcanic landscapes, such as cliffs and beaches, with extensive meadows of Oceanica Posidonia and coastal habitats that support extraordinary biodiversity. This enclave, which includes more than 12,000 marine hectares, is home to emblematic species such as Ferruginosa lapa, cataloged in danger of extinction, and a wide variety of species of flora, invertebrates, fish and sea birds.
The park has a network of infrastructure for environmental interpretation, such as the Las Amoladeras and the Albardinal Botanical Garden, which offer information about the fauna, flora and geology of the environment. These facilities are the starting point to explore the richness of this protected space, both on its surface and under water.
Currently, 19 sea caves have been identified in Cabo de Gata, according to the inventory carried out within the framework of the European Life IP Atmares program. These caves, some of which exceed forty meters in length, are fundamental habitats for invertebrates, fish and other marine species. Although some of their marine communities are known quite precisely, such as the prairies of oceanic posidonia or Cymodocea nodosa, Both considered a community interest habitat, so far the communities of the rock substrate of this space had not been studied in depth. The work carried out by the Junta de Andalucía within the Life IP Intemares project have focused on two habitats with this same consideration at European level: the “submerged and semi -submersed sea caves” and the “reefs”.
The habitat of the sea caves includes cavities located under sea level or exposed to it, at least in high tide. Its walls, ceilings and funds offer an ideal environment for the development of biological communities found in these cavities, as well as protection for many organisms against predators and adverse environmental conditions. Among the species of these threshold environments include crustaceans, sponges, mollusks and some species of endemic fish.
Likewise, these caves play a fundamental role in the reproduction and protection of various species. Their darkness and relative inaccessibility make them ideal places for spawning and breeding. They highlight, for example, the cave ‘Orange tunnel’, which has 45 meters in length and 6 meters deep; The ‘French-Grieta cave’ is 42 meters long and 6 deep; The ‘Cueva del Coldo’ has 14 meters in length and 11 deep, or ‘the temple’, with 9.5 meters in length and 6 deep.
These marine cavities are not only a shelter for marine life, but also a source of knowledge for scientists who investigate the biodiversity of the Mediterranean. The detailed mapping of these formations, carried out as part of the Life IP Inmary Project program, has allowed consolidating an exhaustive record of this type of habitat in Andalusia. This work has been essential to implement conservation measures adapted to the particularities of these cavities.
Marina cave in Cala tomato
Agustín Barrajón
Marine reefs and communities
On the other hand, the community of community interest “reefs” contemplates marine communities of rock substrate, as well as substrates of biogenic origin, submerged at least in the high tide, which can extend out of the water forming coastal cliffs or place themselves to greater depths sea inside in . The exceptional geological wealth of the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar is reflected in a great diversity of these formations in their funds.
The work carried out in the Life IP Inmary project has allowed to invent more than 150 different marine communities, of which around 100 are communities of rocky substrate or reef. Of the 15 protected spaces object of this European project, Cabo de Gata-Níjar stands out in this sense by having the greatest diversity of marine communities in general, and especially in regard to Arrecife funds.
Some of these communities are especially remarkable, such as vermotes reef, consisting of small mollusks (Lebeche dendropomaspecies included in the Spanish and Andalusian catalogs of threatened species), in association with calcareous algae that in Cabo de Gata possess the best populations at the regional level and some of the most outstanding also also at the national level. On the other hand, at the cartographic level, modeling studies have been developed to more accurately delimit the reef areas of this protected space.
Both in the case of marine caves and reefs, in addition to inventory and progress in knowledge at the biological and ecological level of their communities, a monitoring of the state of conservation and pressures detected on them has been carried out, and developing a load capacity study at the regional level of the protected spaces contemplated in the project. In this sense, in the case of the caves, periodic monitoring of some of these cavities is carried out using the Cavebqi Quality Index, adapted to the Alborán Sea, to evaluate the status of the caves and detect possible alterations.
Aware of the importance of the caves, the Junta de Andalucía has established measures to guarantee its long -term conservation. Access regulation is one of the main tools. Activities such as diving and the use of kayaks are allowed only in controlled conditions, ensuring that visitors can enjoy the environment without compromising their integrity.
This regulation implies, in addition to the limitations, opportunities to promote sustainable and respectful tourism. Guided visits and interpretive activities allow visitors to understand the importance of these formations and the role they play in the marine ecosystem. Environmental education thus becomes a key tool to sensitize the population about the need to protect this natural heritage.
And, the preservation of the sea caves of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park would not be possible without an integral approach that includes education and awareness. Park visiting centers, such as the Las Amoladeras Visitors Center, offer detailed information on the ecological value of the caves and other park’s habitats. In addition, they organize didactic activities that allow visitors to understand the importance of conserving this natural heritage. The diving centers of the area, which include among their dives visits some of these caves, are respectful of the environment and transmit the use of good practices to the divers who access them.
These educational initiatives, aimed at both tourists and the local population, reinforce the idea that the protection of the caves is not only a task of the park’s managers, but a shared responsibility. Visiting these spaces is also an invitation to learn more about the wealth of the park and the species that inhabit it. More information about activities and visits can be found in the visitor window portal: Cabo de Gata-Níjar.
Ecosystems mosaic
Beyond the sea caves, the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park is a mosaic of ecosystems that house a wide variety of species and landscapes. From the beaches of Mónsul and Genoese, known for its natural beauty, to the Salinas de Cabo de Gata, where thousands of flamenco are concentrated every year, the park is a paradise for lovers of nature and photography.
The volcanic cliffs that characterize the park’s coast are also a habitat for sea birds such as the Moñudo Cormorant and the Audouin seagull. These species, together with the richness of underwater life, make Cabo de Gata a unique destination for ecotourism and scientific research.
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