According to the criteria of
With the entry into force of this new legislation, nearly 2,400 establishments that have a Type 48 license from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, which authorizes businesses to sell beer, wine and distilled spirits, will have to offer test devices for free. Or at a price “that does not exceed a reasonable amount based on wholesale cost,” they said in a statement.
In this sense, the establishments must also have a sign on which the following text will be written: “Don’t let yourself be drugged! Drug test kits for adulterating drinks are sold here. Ask a staff member for more details.”
In this way, bars will have to provide Kits that detect the “presence of controlled substances in beverages” through test strips, stickers or other devicesSome of the drugs that the devices will be able to detect include flunitrazepam, ketamine and gamma hydroxybutyric acid, which are considered “date rape drugs.”
In case they do not comply with the legislation, Establishments could face “administrative actions affecting their licenses”according to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Drugs used by predators in California bars
According to information shared by the media’s website NBC Newspredators use rohypnolthe trade name of the flunitrazepamfor produce in its victims “sedative-hypnotic, anxiolytic and muscle relaxant effects”even though the drug is not approved in the United States.
The ketaminefor its part, generates an effect on the people who “feel separated from their bodies and their environment”and can also cause amnesia, resulting in victims not remembering the events that occurred. On the other hand, gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also known as GHBis approved to treat drowsiness, but is used by criminals to induce euphoric and calming effects.
#California #law #requires #bars #device #protect #customers