A lot of commotion has been generated in the last few hours by what happened in the stadium Americo Montaniniwhere a fan of Atlético Bucaramanga he stole the champion’s medal from the defender Carlos Henao in full celebration.
According to the criteria of
The images of the theft circulated all over social networks and the fan had to surrender to the authorities and return the precious object that is the memory of a feat built by hand.
Bucaramanga fan apologizes
After everything said on social networks, the fan, identified as Sebastián Luna, apologized through the comedian Jose Ordonezwho served as an intermediary in a very reprehensible situation.
This Wednesday, the fan spoke again after the public apology video and explained the Snail Radio why the events occurred at Montanini: “That was a moment of euphoria, of feeling, of so many years waiting for this moment. “I got carried away by having the memory here in my room.”
Moon He asked people not to take it out on his family for the reprehensible act he carried out: “It is ugly (the moment) because of the way they judge people and treat them. They have messed with my family, which has nothing to do with it, there is only one culprit.”
Bucaramanga medal theft
Furthermore, he accepted that he was under the influence of alcohol: “I came from Bogota without resting and we arrived directly at the caravan. Things got out of control, drink appeared everywhere and there the two things crossed. “I did the Olympic lap with the players, but at that moment I was blinded.”
“I feel sorry. I feel very sorry for everyone for making me look bad to many people, to my own organization. From the bottom of my heart, I apologized to everyone. I hope to speak with Henao directly to apologize. What I did is wrong,” he added.
Henao accepted the apology
At that moment, the defender Carlos Henao He joined the dialogue and Luna told him her most sincere apologies: “Thank you to Carlitos for being one of the protagonists of this long-awaited and long-awaited title. From the bottom of my heart I want to apologize for the bad action, for stealing my medal. I hope you receive them (the apologies), it was wrong on my part, I don’t know what happened, I got carried away.”
Carlos Henao, Bucaramanga player.
“You have to leave it behind. The important thing is that he has already learned from what happened and we have to move forward,” Henao responded to the fan who publicly accepted his mistake.
Finally, José Ordóñez, who served as an intermediary to resolve the situation, indicated that Sebastián is going to enter a help program to deal with the issue of alcohol and undergo resocialization.
“His repentance does not exempt him from the consequences he must assume. He is willing to pay before society, before the team itself. He has to assume the consequences and be responsible for his actions. “He promised to enter a resocialization and help program to resolve the issue of alcoholism,” said the comedian.
Carlos Henao, Bucaramanga player, whose medal is stolen.
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