Brazil recorded 103 deaths from covid-19 this Saturday, the 8th. The weekly moving average, which eliminates distortions between working days and weekends, stood at 120.
Roraima did not report any deaths, and Acre did not update any numbers due to the instability of the notification system, as well as the Federal District did not release the data over the weekend. In the accumulated total, there are already 619,900 deaths reported since the beginning of the pandemic.
Within 24 hours, the new reported cases of the disease stood at 50,000. The country has reached 22.4 million cases of the infection since March 2020. The moving average of cases in the last seven days is 30,039.
The daily data are gathered by the consortium of press vehicles, which is formed by Estadão, G1, O Globo, Extra, Folha and UOL, in partnership with 27 state health departments, in a balance sheet released at 8 pm.
The balance of deaths and cases is the result of the partnership between the six media that started to work, since June 8, 2020, in a collaborative way to gather the necessary information in the 26 states and the Federal District. The unprecedented initiative is a response to the Bolsonaro government’s decision to restrict access to data on the pandemic, but was maintained after government records continued to be released.
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#Brazil #reports #deaths #covid19 #hours #ISTOÉ #DINHEIRO