Book your entry for free! Is proximity the key to business success? We talked live about the challenge of undertaking

The close and close treatment is fundamental in personal ties, but it can also be decisive in business relations. In a world dominated so far by hurry and immediacy, more and more entrepreneurs who choose the opposite path are: approaching their customers, collaborators and partners to offer products and services with a human and authentic touch. With the aim of sharing the keys in this way of understanding business, – with the support of Banco Sabadell – has organized the event Undertake with proximity: the success of local ideas, in which several experts and entrepreneurs who have known how to make their differentiating element will participate.

The appointment will be the Friday, January 31, at 11.00, in the writing of from Madrid (C/Gran Vía, 46). Thus they can know firsthand the experiences, learning and strategies that have led to business success to small businesses that combine innovation and tradition, but also to emerging companies that have managed to conquer global markets without losing sight of their local roots.

A learning opportunity

Among the confirmed speakers are Lluc mirteacher Marger – Dry stone consciousness – who has managed to keep a millenary tradition alive adapting it to modern times; Mireia Altimiraco -founder of the tanina And passionate about the domestic garden, which together with their partner Alan, have turned their project into a reference for those who seek sustainability on a day -to -day basis; The bookstore Sol Alonsoof the children’s bookstore of Santiago Rodríguez (the oldest in Spain), a business that has managed to survive the attacks of time and digitalization thanks to its commitment to closeness with lovers of literature; and Guillermo GarcíaChief Marketing Officer of Craftelier, a supermarket of the crafts that emerged from a small store of Fine Arts in León.

Likewise, the event will have the intervention of recognized business figures that one day were entrepreneurs and that they will share their secrets on how proximity has been an essential pillar in their professional career. In fact, the main objective of the meeting is to highlight how closeness, understood not only in geographical terms but also as a way of understanding business relations, can make a difference in today’s world. From direct treatment with customers to the choice of local suppliers, the proximity allows to build solid and genuine ties that transcend simple commercial transactions.

How and where to attend the meeting

Join the Friday, January 31, at 11.00, in the writing of from Madrid (C/Gran Vía, 46). Discover how proximity can become a competitive advantage for entrepreneurs and sign up for free to this meeting.

During the conversation, the readers of will have the opportunity to participate live with questions to the participants. To attend, it is necessary to reserve your free admission here, since the capacity is limited.

If you cannot attend the meeting in person, you can follow it live online through this same news and our channels of Facebook, X and YouTube.

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