Book Review | Arvo Ylppö raised a naked premature baby in the cold, and the photographer was horrified: Jussi Pohjakallio, who also photographed for Life magazine, took an incredible number of photos during his career.

There are plenty of photographs in Jussi Pohjakallio’s biography, but Seija Sartti also compiles the photographer’s steps into text.


Seija Sartti: Jussi Pohjakallio – Tough dude with a camera in his hand. Siltala. 160 s.

Renowned photographer Jussi Pohjakallio (1930–1990) took such an incredible number of published photographs during his years as a journalist that the numbers given already required more detailed breakdown.

Pohjakallio was the most prominent photographer in the United Photographic Magazines from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, a period when a lot happened in modernizing Finland. Seija Sartin elegant book Jussi Pohjakallio – Tough dude with a camera in his hand announces a record year of 5,000 newspaper photos published by stadin kundi Pohjakallio.

If the pace in general, it was possible, how many shots and what kind did you get in Suomen Kuvalehti, how many in the Society or Cinema Aita?

To read it would mean that the magazine house published over a hundred Pohjallio photographs every single week during the peak year!

Of course, there was no reason to restrict Pohjakallio, which had climbed into trees, the Lahti radio mast, the chimney of the Koff factory and other places that required courage. Jussi Pohjallio even managed to break into an assistant who had been used several times by the wonderful American magazine Life.

In his studio, Jussi shot a lot of commissioned portraits of children – in addition to commercials.

By us the unique Life relationship was the result of Pohjakallio using the seam it received exceeded expectations. Life commissioned him in 1959 for only one loose-fought military fugitive Väinö from Johannes Kilpinenwho had been hiding for over 38 years in the stables in Rengo – that is, he had escaped from service long before the wars.

The subscription for one image expanded into five illustrated pages in Life. The insights of the bedrock included a pair of images, in one image of the slit of the wall showing the fearful eye of the hiding place, and in another image, a view from the corresponding fissure facing out into the barren courtyard.

The report became as much a reward as the full-year annual salary from United Image Magazines.

Press historical delicacy Jussi Pohjakallio – Tough dude with a camera in his hand is, of course, a pictorial work, but it would not deepen properly without Seija Sart ‘s good, unbeatable narration. Sartti is a former supplier of HS Monthly Supplement.

Now, at least, there is a writer who knows how to create a text and is also fully aware of how an object that knocked in wooden shoes and passionately surfed as a middle-aged lived and worked. However, Sartti will save his own direct connection to Pohjakallio until the end of the year.

Pohjakallion after being seen on the newspaper side, he set up an advertising studio in 1965 and also set up a color laboratory that captured professional photographers as clients under a unit of time. Prior to her career as a journalist, Sartti was an advertising photographer at Pohjakallio for six years, perhaps the first female in the country.

It is precisely the transfer of Pohjakallio to advertisements and the pursuit of technical perfection in color services that explains why there has not been a record of his catalog before.

Contemporary stars comparable to him Caj Bremer, Kalle Kultala and Seppo Saves continued in the press. They had a good time experiencing an increase in the public prestige of magazine photography and writing their memoirs. Sartti corrects the obvious shortcoming.

Lenita had a delicate laugh in 1963.

Jussi Pohjakallion photographs from the 1950s and 1960s will also be on display on the street floor of the Academic Bookstore during February.

An exhibition will open in Tamminiemi on May 6 Long leap – President Urho Kekkonen in Jussi Pohjakallio’s press photos.

Feeding the squirrels of Seurasaari and Tamminiemi was a chore that Kekkonen, who was raising his image, was certainly not tired of until a few years of his presidency. Pohjakallio saves Kekko numerous times for Suomen Kuvalehti, but also for his photo book Well-known Finns (1962).

The photographer even sought an international friend in it Yousuf Karshin spheres of portraits. The gentleman-centered book was in practice considerably stiffer than Pohjakallio’s really lively and running press work.

Obsolete to the living room To well-known Finns however, the most famous single image of Pohjakallio was born: a happy doctor Value Ylppö At his children’s castle raising a naked premature baby to heights.

When Pohjakallio was worried about how long it would be appropriate to continue filming in the cold weather, Ylppö replied: “Yes, we can catch premature babies!”

Pohjakallio was at the heart of Finnish politics when he described Olavi Honga’s bow to Kekkonen, who had just left the presidential race, at the castle party in 1961. It was only a week and a half from putting the gloves on.

The bravures of Pohjakallio were to be found by looking at the top of the tree. Shots from the rotating auditorium of the Pyynikki Summer Theater in 1959 he photographed for Life, from where they spread to hundreds of other foreign magazines.

Central politician Johannes Virolainen was a real personality (1960).

The view of the top photographer of United Photographic Magazines about Sanomat’s cartoonist. Young couple Kari and Lippe Suomalainen in 1954.

Composer Topi Kärki in 1963. This and other photographs by Jussi Pohjakallio will be on display next year at the Päivälehti Museum. An exhibition of Pohjakallio’s Kekkos pictures will open in Tamminiemi in a couple of months.

It was rumored that a new rock rock youth would go to the cinema in Edison for the premiere of Rock Around The Clock (1956). Photographer Jussi Pohjakallio checked the situation.

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