More than four kilos in gold, with a current market value above 320,000 euros. As if it were a Bank Bank of the Bank of Spain, that is the heritage that hid the walls of the Belorado monastery while the ex -religious -in a failed crowdfunding – They asked for money to “subsist” And the exabadesa, Laura García de Viedma, accused in an Instagram video to the archbishop of Burgos of “sinking the two monasteries, literally” and “of”take them to ruin ».
Then predicted that monasteries, «PARA September, will be ruinedif not seized or sold to banks ». It was never like that. Because while the Federation of Clarisas assumed all the current expenses of the monasteries, the payrolls of the workers and even the self -religious insurance of the ex -religious (so far the expense of 225,000 euros has assumed), Laura García de Viedma was selling that heritage that heritage monacal in gold reserve to enter your personal account. Perhaps there is the answer to the question that so many people have been asked in the eight months that the schism lasts: «If they say they have no money, Where do they pay to pay the lawyersVarious sedevacantist bishops, press chiefs …? »
As ABC has been able to know, between July 30 and August 12, 2020, the then Clarisas bought gold up to seven times a well -known company located on Velázquez Street in Madrid. Seven invoices, loaded with the monasteries accounts, with a total amount of 252,166.64 in gold, distributed in different formats (ingots of different weights, special editing coins and combined tablet -shaped bars that allows easy fragmentation). At the average price of the moment (about 60 euros the gram), the former religious accumulated about 4.2 kilos of gold.
An extreme that the ex -religious have recognized through a statement, signed by one of their lawyers, Florentino Aláez. Thus, the text indicates that the «Monastery of Santa Clara de Belorado made years ago as an investment of Gold Sale, one more investment, an act of management of its own goods agreed by the chapter convent and reflected in the accounting books , supervised by the religious visitor of the Archdiocese of Burgos. It is a formalized operation by observing all legal requirements ». The statement tries to justify the operation by stating that the religious entity has been «Transformed into association»but it does not explain that these two associations, created by the former religious in the early days of the schism, have not been recognized by the Ministry of Interior, for not having been created according to law.
The then Clarisas bought gold in Madrid seven times until more than four kilos
Thus, this investment of more than four kilos of gold has been sold in recent months until “recent dates”, as recognized by the same statement. The last sale, which liquidated the operation, occurred a few weeks ago in a specialized establishment in Burgos and in it, Laura García de Viedma sold 1.7 kilos of gold on bullion of diverse size and a special edition currency of the USA. UU., For which He received 130,000 euros.
The unusual sale caught the attention of the establishment and also of the National Police, to which these entities have the obligation to communicate these transactions to fight fraud and theft of jewelry objects. In addition, he also surprised that the entrance was to a personal account of the exabadesa and not to that of the entity that claims to represent. “The purchase operation could not be done in the name of the entity and, therefore, it was formalized by the abbess in its own name, acting as a fiduciary on behalf of the entity, something lawful in Spanish civil law,” explain the excrement now . They also add that «the whole community is aware that the only real holder is the entity. And has not given rise to any transfer of funds from the natural person to the legal person or from it to that ».
According to the current value of gold, and having as a reference the last sale of the end of January (in which the exabadesa received 130,000 euros for 1.7 kg which means 76.5 euros a gram), Laura García de Viedma would have received more than 320,000 euros in her accounts for the 4.2 kg that the monasteries bought in 2020.
The truth is that -from before even the intervention of the Pontifical Commissioner in early June -the former religious have been using personal accounts in the name of Laura García de Viedma (Some open in Madrid before announcing the schism) to freely dispose of that income and prevent them from going to the intervened accounts, in which, on the other hand have all expenses domiciled. To these accounts was directed the ‘crowdfunding through PayPal (in which they raised 2,723 of the planned 20,000), the donations they ask through the social networks and the sales of the company they have created, worktlabora sl, to market His new brand of chocolates, RQUER. Sources of the Management Commission created by the Pontifical Commissioner have confirmed to ABC that in the accounts that were intervened in June, there has been no income for these concepts or for the sale of gold.
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