Always the money in between. All the news of the Belorado Esperpento end up referring to the ‘traps’ of the ex -religious no matter how much they try to disguise the conflict as a doctrinal problem. Now, the audit that the Management Commission is making to the accounts of the monastery has discovered that since May 2022, two years before the schism began, the former religious of Belorado have been charging the pension of a deceased nun. The amount exceeds thirteen thousand euros and, having knowledge, the Management Commission has asked social security its reimbursement, which will be assumed by the funds of the Clarisas Federation.
According to ABC from sources close to the case, the Management Commission has been able to verify that the religious, a nonagenarian from the Monastery of Derio, died in April 2022 but his pension continued to charge in the account of the monastery. However, the then responsible for the community and authorized in the accounts, the ex -abaded Laura García de Viedma, never communicated the error to the General State Administration.
At that time the former religious had not yet bought the monastery of Orduña (from which they have not paid any quota), but they were already in a difficult economic situation. The rise in chocolate prices and pandemic had reduced the benefits of their main source of income, the sale of truffles and chocolates, and had been forced to close the rural house next to the Monastery of Derio -in which they had made a Great investment- because they lacked municipal license.
Now, after the intervention of the accounts in June, the Management Commission has carried out a broad study of the income and expense in which it has detected irregularity, which has made known to social security. The Administration has already received all the documentation of the case and now will have to initiate an investigation to clarify whether the ex -religious communicated at the time the death of the nun and why they never notified the error while exercising the legal representation of the monastery.
The National Social Security Institute has already received the documentation of this alleged irregularity sent from the Archdiocese of Burgos and will have to open an investigation to clarify whether the sisters, today excommunicated, did not notify the death of their partner, a nonagenarian from the monastery Of derio, and, therefore, they were fully aware, at least those who had access to the accounts, of the illegality of the collection of that pension.
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#Belorados #exclarisas #charged #years #pension #deceased #nun