«The legislative measure adopted by the Council of Ministers on the current maritime state concessions does not satisfy us because it provides for the companies to be put out to tender». This is stated in a joint note by Antonio Capacchione, president of the Italian Beach Resort Union adhering to Fipe/Confcommercio and Maurizio Rustignoli, president of Fiba/Confesercenti, who are dissatisfied with the measure approved Wednesday evening by the government, which extends the concessions until September 2027, but obliges the various concessionaire bodies to call for new tenders by June of the same year.
The beach resort owners are disappointed, they feel betrayed by the government that with the new decree has in fact betrayed the promises made. «The expectations generated by the declarations of the current government representatives on the exclusion of the sector from the application of the Bolkestein Directive were different» Capacchione and Rutignoli point out, and for this reason they have decided to bring together the governing bodies of their organizations to evaluate the legislative provision “and to decide on the consequent union initiatives”.
Extension to the beach resorts, the three-card monte
serene sileoni
Beach resorts, green light for reform: extension until September 2027 and compensation for concessionaires
Paul Baroni
«We note, with deep regret, that the provision has not seen the involvement, not only of the category, but also and mainly of the granting bodies (Regions and Municipalities), which have exercised, for decades, the administrative functions in this matter» continues the note, recording «that it is in everyone’s interest, not only that of beach entrepreneurs, to have an organic reform of the matter that safeguards the tourist companies currently operating, the result of the activity and sacrifices of thousands of families of “honest workers” who have built a model of efficient, quality and successful equipped beach resort that the world envies us. We also believe that it is in everyone’s interest that this issue is not the object of political exploitation but, rather, of a serious and objective public debate».
«It is certain, however, that we will continue to fight, with strength and determination – concluded the presidents of Sib and Fibathe two most representative trade unions – to protect the rights, also recognized by European law, of the operators currently operating and to prevent the destruction or distortion of the Italian equipped bathing model founded, predominantly, on the work of the concessionaires, not only in their interest, but, above all, of our country”.
#Beach #resorts #warpath #government #betrayed