We could safely say that almost all drivers have driven at some point with the reserve light in our car on…, but it is not advisable to go to that extreme..
If you drive a car, we are sure that Have you ever had to drive in reserve?. The warning light comes on to indicate that it is the time to stop the car and refuel. That light tells you that the tank has 10 or 15% fuel, an amount that we usually “stretch” to the maximum although it is not the most advisable. From SPG Talleres they comment on the reasons why it is not at all recommended to carry out this practice on a regular basis.
This is what happens
If you drive with the reserve on in an extraordinary way, you can rest assured that nothing is going to happen to your car, but take it As a common occurrence, it can cause the vehicle to be seriously damaged.
The fuel, whatever it is, It always carries dirt that tends to sink to the bottom of the tank. Frequent driving in reserve can cause those impurities enter the injection damaging the elements of the same system. and the breakdown can be very expensive. In gasoline cars it can cost about 200 euros plus labor, and in the case of diesel cars, the cost of the injector can reach 350 euros. And if the problem is in the injection pump, the damage can cost around 450 euros.
The fuel pump may also be damaged.
In addition to the elements already mentionedthe fuel pump can also be affected when driving in reserve. The fuel pump is what sucks the fuel so that the car works properly and if the level is not adequate, that is, it is too low, what happens is that air bubbles form, forcing this piece to overwork. This extra work on the part causes a significant shortening of the useful life and causes us to have to change it sooner than we should, SPG Talleres explains. It is not an economical repairsince you have to use a lot of labor.
Likewise, drive the car in reserve causes the fuel filter to stop performing its function properlywith the consequence that it entails: gasoline consumption increases and in the long term it affects us economically.
It is clear, in view of the data presented, that it is not a good idea to drive when the car’s reserve light has already turned on. It is the best way to Prevent possible serious breakdowns: refuel when the fuel level is below a quarter tank.
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