Larian has released another Baldur's Gate 3 hotfix across PC, PS5 and Mac. It is expected to arrive on Xbox at a later date.
This hotfix takes aim at several bugs and quirks still lingering in Baldur's Gate 3. This includes a fix for banding and shader issues in cinematics and those times characters claimed to be too busy to talk to you. “They were lying,” Larian explained.
Meanwhile, Minthara should no longer refuse to follow along with the party in Acts 2 and 3. In the developer's own words: “You should find her more willing to fall in line now – at least in terms of keeping up. She's still something of a free spirit.”
This hotfix also sees the full release of patch 6 for those Baldur's Gate 3 adventurers playing on Mac. That's the kissing one, in case you had forgotten, so pucker up.
You can read the full notes for Hotfix #20 below:
- Introduce a few crash safeguards to ensure that when a save game fails to load, you'll be sent back to the Main Menu.
- Fixed some issues causing the second player on split screen to have a black screen for 30 seconds.
- Fixed a bug preventing you from opening containers (like the Camp Supply Sack) while trading if you selected a different character from the one who started the trade. This also fixed a sneaky money exploit.
- Fixed a bug causing the environment to never take its turn, blocking combat from progressing.
- Fixed a bug causing you to get stuck in combat if there were still some bats remaining after you defeated Cazador.
- Fixed an infinite loot bug that would duplicate Herdmaster Skardjall's Scale Mail every time you removed the Whipping Cane from his body.
- Fixed a bug causing the crime dialogue for trespassing to get spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry.
- Fixed some banding and shader issues in cinematics that were causing VFX artifacts on faces at certain angles.
- Fixed Minthara sometimes not following the party in Act 2 or Act 3.
- Fixed a case where Halsin wouldn't move to his position when you arrived at Last Light in Act 2
- Fixed an issue where Minthara wouldn't leave the party after being escorted out of Moonrise Towers.
- Fixed an issue causing characters to tell you that they were too busy to talk to you when you tried to speak to them. They were lying.
- Fixed missing tab textures in the Trade UI.
- Hid the filter tabs for traders when bartering with them, these will be reintroduced in a future update pending further testing.
- Fixed a potential crash when preloading complex cinematics.
“We're continuing to work on further fixes and patches, but in the meantime, thank you for supporting us and playing Baldur's Gate 3,” the developer wrote.
Last week, Larian announced Baldur's Gate 3 will be getting official mod support down the line, including cross-platform support for consoles.
Larian's director of publishing Michael Douse described plans for this official support as “robust”, but did not yet give an exact date for when it will arrive – other than to say it was planned for sometime this year.
The studio subsequently had to ask members of its community to refrain from sending threats to developers.
“Don't get angry at mod authors, support teams, community or developers. Our focus is to patch the game while working on future mod support,” director of publishing Michael Douse said earlier this week. “I understand why it's frustrating, so what we all need to do is focus on that future.”
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