Consensus but with nuances. Political parties have closed ranks around Dispose and Orography Criteriaas they did at the meetings held last week with the president of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón. But far from delving into a common position in the first part of the debate, the monographic full in the Aragonese courts has become a crossing of accusations, especially among the two main opposition parties.
The interventions shift was opened by the president of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón who has affirmed that “Autonomous financing is the most transcendental issue we face in recent years. These are the resources that the State distributes among the autonomous communities to pay “transferred services such as social and environmental policies, education or health, among others.
Azcón has criticized that The reform of the regional financing system does not imply an extraordinary increase in resources, In addition to not being in favor of this document for wanting to change the criteria of tight population, which is a key piece in the 75% distribution of affected financing, not taking into account depopulation and orography.
These two criteria favor the Autonomous Community, which It concentrates 3% of the population of Spain and 10% of the territory of the country. But, in addition, Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel concentrate 62% of the population of Aragon, while the rest is distributed in the 716 municipalities of which 94 have less than 3,000 inhabitants and 30% less than 100. In addition, 24 there are more than 1,400 meters altitude.
It is a situation that, for Azcón, has to be taken into account because, for example, Aragon has to have 745 health centers per inhabitant compared to 235 of the national average or 43 public schools per 100,000 students compared to the 346 of the 346 of the National average.
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The Aragonese president has described as false that only three autonomies have been shown in favor of depopulation such as Aragon, Castilla y León and Cantabria. Azcon explained that other autonomies have also done such as Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Asturias“at least.” A reason for which he has indicated that “the Ministry of Finance has manipulated the document for partisan purposes. The Aragonese are few, but not dumb. They must know in the ministry. Did they think we were not going to defend the Aragonese? “
He also pointed out that the document benefits the “independence” partners and the “interests of Minister Montero in Andalusia” on which he has indicated that “makes decisions for its independence partners to continue in power.”
However, from the PSOE it has denied that the three autonomies that Azcón has mentioned that also supported the depopulation -in addition to Aragon, Cantabria and Castilla y León -is true because They do not allude to this criterion as a specific variable. In this case, it has cited the concrete position of Castilla-La Mancha that advocates its inclusion in dispersion.
In this sense, Azcón has urged the PSOE to look for the statements made by other autonomies, such as Asturias, to the media in this field. And from the PSOE they have indicated that Extremadura has not said “not a word” and that Castilla-La Mancha has made a transverse approach and with funds that compensate for that reality.
These autonomies are not the only ones that have been put on the fore. Pérez has been critical of the position of the president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo because in his stage in the presidency of Galicia He signed the statement of Santiago, which contemplated depopulation, but did not include it in the proposal sent to the Ministry of Finance for this autonomy.
On Feijóo, also the deputy Tomás Guitarte, from Aragon-Teruel, has also questioned his position, above all, facing Teruel for not betting fully for depopulation aid, something that has also criticized Pedro Sánchez. “In Aragon, we do not admit, we do not accept and we cannot tolerate the inequality of the finance document“Guitarte said.
Madrid also has come out in parliamentary speeches in order to know what position will have in the field of regional financing, in addition to focusing itself in Azcon .
Other failures
In addition to questioning the support of the autonomies to depopulation, the parliamentary groups of the courts of Aragon have also revealed other errors of the document sent by the Ministry of Finance because, for example, “does not attend to the provincial sphere. It would have been easier to contemplate the 12 inhabitants per square kilometer that applies the European Union. The indicators to cover the problem of financial insufficiency are twisted in the report, “said Tomás Guitarte, who has alluded to the reports of the Aragon House of Accounts in which it is pointed out that Aragon must put 628 million euros of others from others Funds to pay basic services for the infraction of the financing. “
Criticism has also received the document from cha. His spokesman, José Luis Soro, has indicated that The Ministry of Finance should return to prepare a new document with the proposals of the current governments before the changes that have occurred in the presidencies of various autonomies in the last elections held. “It is incredible the use made by the Ministry of what the governments of the previous autonomous communities thought.” Besides, It has wondered if now autonomies would think the same because, in 2021, there was not the singular financing for Catalonia.
More or less money?
PP and PSOE have also recriminated the amounts that Aragon receives when they govern their respective political formations nationally. From the Socialist Party, the focus on the more than 7,000 million euros, amount that claim to be greater than that perceived under the presidency of the popular Mariano Rajoy.
However, Azcón has questioned the amount of increasing collection and inflation. “It has been noticed in absolute terms but not in percentage,” he said. In fact, he has stated that, since 2018, Aragon has been mistreated because he has received Less income in the box financing system: 43.7% compared to 52.4% of the national average or 59.8% of Catalonia. Consequently, it has stated that the percentage of income on financing has dropped from 3.40% to 3.21% in 2025.
Who reforms?
During the plenary session in the courts of Aragon, PP and PSOE, the actions and non -actions carried out by their respective political parties around autonomic financing have been thrown into the face. From the PP, it has been recriminated that The current system was approved in 2009 and has been expired since 2014while from the PSOE it has been pointed out that it was Zapatero, despite not having a favorable economic situation, and now Pedro Sánchez, who have promoted the reform of the model.
Precisely, from the PSOE, Mayte Pérez, has indicated that in the 20 years talking about regional financing “It has always been the socialists who have taken the bull by the horns“
The crossing of accusations has not been limited to the national level. From the PSOE Aragón, it has been questioned what Azcón has done in 18 months of government, in addition to showing that it was Aragon, and with the consensus in a document also with economic and social agents, which requested the incorporation of the orography in the proposal they sent.
From the PP Aragon, Azcón has stressed that “this has to do with the territory and not with ideology”, in addition to pointing out that It is a mistake that the regional financing decision is taken “by majority and not for justice”. An idea of the latter on which Soro (cha) has said that “justice does not fall from heaven” for what has urged him to “his companions” of the party.
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