Hurdle runner Reetta Hurske tells about the kind of feedback she receives in a blog published on Suek's website.
Quick fences Having run the Finnish record last summer Reetta Hurske asks the Finnish Sports Ethics Center (Suek) in the blog published on the websitedo you have to endure everything?
Hurske, the Minister of Sports, Sports and Youth, responds in his letter by Sandra Bergqvist to the blog challenge.
Hurske writes that he has not experienced harassment, but the feedback has not always been objective. He states that appearance is sometimes the reason for unsuccessful performance.
“I also get a lot of nice, friendly and flirtatious messages, which for the most part is always nice to receive. Sometimes, however, the comments refer to how good or sexy one looks on the outside, and comments are made, for example, on competition outfits from that point of view,” writes Hurske.
Hurske estimates that the authors of the messages may have good intentions, but “expressing it has sometimes gone too far”.
“Perhaps before giving feedback you could take a moment to think about what you would like to hear when things have not gone well.”
Hurske thinks that the athletes of his generation are used to the attitude of “you just have to endure it in public”, but does it really have to be that way?
“Do we want to participate with silent acceptance in this kind of culture? It is always emphasized to young people that they need to talk and tell, but is it useful if nothing changes.”
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