Cayetano Martínez de Irujo marries. The bride is Barbara Mirjan, with which Cayetano argues and more than a decade of relationship. We are facing happy news in the biography of Cayetano, who lives there at the top of the 60 years, … After much trajín of uncomfortable confessions, fraternal disagreements and some time in the wild cornices of cheerful existence. From Cayetano Martínez de Irujo we know what it is convinced riderthat forgives little or nothing to the press of Varietés, and that he uses Galán ways of good school, when you get. From Cayetano we also know that he is a genealogy aristocrat, and aristocrat of falling in love with women of a wonderful lamina, from Genoveva Casanova to reach Mar Floresalmost in the past, when I was going to Elle Macpherson of the Spain brand. And discuss me the fiancee. They insist on the biographies that Cayetano was a weakness of the Duchess of Alba, and perhaps that is why he is still very living in the interior mourning crude, since the mother is missing. That has already passed more than ten years, and that is the time, time up, down, that he takes a sustained courtship with Barbara, a serene proceeding girl who will be the Duke’s wife, under all the boats, around the summer.
On some sides of the social, it falls unfriendly Cayetano, but it does not happen to me, because I find that it does not try to hide its antipathy, or antipathies, against what others do, or others. To me that sincerity exercise does not dislike, but quite the opposite, and even brings it to me, under that neat boy who does not have the day, as usual in it, sometimes. In the equestrian it has been, by trade, and even has high competition medals. It is understood that being Duke of Arjona It is difficult to find a job in conditions, but Cayetano has sought jobs, probably not to fall into the greater vice of boredom, which is usually a vice of rich. One day he served as Duke of Wellingtonbut for the cinema, because he signed as a cast Milos formin the movie ‘The Gaya’s Ghosts’, where Javier Bardem and Natalie Portman came out. He has then been as an advisor or promoter of several fashion firms, and worked as president of the Association of Athletes, an adventure from which he went out with mess.
It was a weakness of the Duchess of Alba, and perhaps that is why he still goes with a lot
Sometimes, if we look a little far away, we have seen Cayetano sharing half of the photo with a ‘special friend’, which is as the cautious chroniclers call, but aware, those who work for brides, which is like saying to those who are never going to be girlfriends. The fact is that, by Rachas, Cayetano has been making or remakeing his life as a single, because single is the one who lives loose, that condition he found the posture soon. He never made some grace to immortalize him, teleobjective via, while taking his bags to a beautiful brunette.
Sometimes, Cayetano has given some health scare, and the doctor has recalled him Enrique Moreno. It is like a second father, for Cayetano, like a father with an operating room included. In Cayetano we have seen the aristocrat who suffers, and tells. It does well. Shut up produces ulcerand other things. Shutting up is not good for health, so in general. And he has decided to practice this prevention. Although suddenly the brothers get angry, or precisely because of that. For some time, almost remote, he knew Baudelaire’s maximum, without having read, perhaps, the poet: “Love is the result of a misunderstanding.” Then no longer. Because Barbara came. The wedding will be Bodón, there at the return of the reggaeton with Sangria of the summer.
#Ángel #Antonio #Herrera #Cayetano #Duke #fled #boredom