The renowned host of ‘Sábado con Andrés’, Andrés Hurtado, generated a commotion by making an unexpected entrance in the new Netflix reality show, ‘Sálvese que puede!’, released on November 10. In this program, prominent figures from ‘Sálvame’ from Spain look for new opportunities on the American continent. Next, we tell you what his appearance was like on the popular program.
How was Andrés Hurtado’s participation in the Netflix reality show?
In the first episode, Hurtado not only surprised the participants, but also his followers by coming out in defense of Lidia Lozano, who is facing work difficulties in Spain. Inviting her to Peru, he offered her support: “Retire from her career, but I’m going to help you. Come to Peru, let’s go to Machu Picchu, 400 million people in the world will see you.”
Without prior notice, The presenter made his triumphant entry into the Telecinco programsharing the stage with other celebrities like Belén Esteban, Chelo García Cortés, Terelu Campos, Kiko Matamoros, Lydia Lozano, Víctor Sandoval and Maria Patino.
Program was launched on November 10. Photo: GLR/Netflix composition
In the images transmitted by Netflix, Andrés presents himself as one of the most influential drivers in America, highlighting his strong and direct personality: “I am Andrés Hurtado from Peru, I can’t stand a flea in any Latin American country”. With blunt comments, he made clear his unique style that has brought him fame.
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