The ‘influencer’ and her partner are being investigated for an alleged crime of child abuse
ABC talks to experts to analyze its mistakes when managing this reputational crisis
Two weeks have passed since the statement of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands was made public in which the ongoing judicial investigation was confirmed to clarify the injuries that a baby had suffered, in this case the daughter of Anabel Pantoja and your partner David Rodríguez. From then on this fact, a large part of the television programs grill, and has generated the most disparate holders.
This week without going any further it was secured in a Telecinco space that the couple had “formally accused”, something that soon denied taking into account that The imputed term no longer exists In the Spanish legal system, he changed to the investigated and both parents are being investigated from day one. There are those who dare to ensure that The judge of San Bartolomé de Tirajana plans the file of the case even when the instruction phase is in full development and the proceedings try to clarify when and how the lesions of the child occurred.
In this, as in other cases of similar media impact, the information intends to take two steps ahead of the instruction, something that is impossible. Also those involved begin to lose patience With the media that seek to know their mood or some information about the case while they try to resume their normal life, complicated in a case like this. «It is not advisedI want to manage it all, it is very distrustful, ”says Anabel’s acquaintance.
«A bad management of the crisis since the beginning has led to this scenario in such a short time. Anabel Pantoja is a public character and I imagine that surpassed by the situation She has believed that she could handle it as other occasions, but this is more serious and the greatest reach, ”an expert in crisis communication explains to ABC. It refers to a strategy that had to have been drawn from the beginning, although it is still in time of amend the mistakes made and redirect the situation.
«In these cases it is very important Design a spokesmanbe it a lawyer, a communication expert, a representative who is coordinated with the parties … in this way all the information about the case and Avoid speculationSo malicious leaks, ”explains the expert. In the case of Anabel, it is not just an image crisis is also an online reputation crisis, since it has two million followers and its main Source of income It is for his work as ‘influencer’.
Every crisis depends on how it is managed. «She should depart And just greet the media, disappear a time from social networks, because any message or image that shares will be freely interpreted in the absence of information. You must protect your environmentthat is, to his partner, his mother, Merchi; Already his in -laws. Even if they still have interest, journalists will not go to them if they know there is a spokesman. The union not only physical but also in the message avoids speculation in the affective field that generate even more debate.
«Maintaining emotional balance in these cases is fundamental, nonverbal language plays the same role. Receive psychological help In these cases it is necessary, ”explains another expert in crisis situation. It dares to analyze the mistakes made so far. «The statement that Anabel shared with her followers hours after the investigation contains Many background errorsthen its public appearances asking that they let her make her normal life, complaint messages to the media and the reporters who do their job, are the sign that It lacks a solid strategy And he is not being advised by experts in these situations, ”he adds.
«Nor does it benefit from publishing images with the baby since there are experts who are in the networks questioning As he takes and give him advice to avoid future injuries, common in first -time parents. That is why it is very important to continue maintaining a fluid communication With the press, but centralized. Although for his past he has colleagues in the media, he must separate the feelings and stand firm in the strategy ». Experts believe that the testimony of the protagonists is fundamental, but it has a greater impact and benefit for it when all this ends whatever the result.
More and more characters appear involuntarily. Merchi, Anabel’s mother, has always been a discreet person who has been in the good and bad times of his daughter. David’s parents, a Cordoba marriage so far, are seeing how Your gestures are analyzed in detail. And how their comings and goings, subject to their labor permits (still active), translate into fictitious fights and supposed disagreements with the couple.

David Rodríguez and Anabel Pantoja
To the point of having risen to Mariló de la blondethe businesswoman who jumped to the public scene for her friendship with Isabel Pantoja, Aunt de Anabel and manager of the Córdoba Clinic where David Rodríguez, has rented her physiotherapy office. She was precisely the one that presented the singer and ended up becoming her Physiotherapist on the last tour American where he met Anabel who also accompanied her aunt as part of the team. According to some information both Mariló and Pantoja would have offered them legal help To solve this situation. Something that from the couple’s environment deny, since the legal strategy they will follow will be separately, something usual in these processesbut on legal recommendation not because there is conflict between parents or because Mariló and Pantoja are using it to face them.
At the moment as reported by Fran Fajardo, head of courts of the newspaper ‘Canarias7’, who uncovered the case; «The question in the hands of justice is to clarify if the girl’s damage occurs from fortuitous or intentional way. That the viewing of the images of the mall where the parents declared that the events happened, do not yield a conclusive answer, as it seems to be, It is not definitive either For research, ”he explains. If they will serve to compare the times, since the forensic report made at the time determines the approximate moment in which the baby could have suffered the injuries and therefore those times can now be compared with those of the security cameras. From experience in these types of cases, says Fajardo, and for the complexity when getting direct evidence of the commission of the facts “the investigation continues and will not conclude soon.”
#Anabel #Pantoja #surpassed #doesnt #advise #manage