Loading the 432 electric buses (463 at the end of this year) of the fleet of the municipal transport company of Madrid (Emt Madrid) will be in a faster, efficient future and will not require the intervention of operators. The new ‘smart charching’ system installed … In tests at the Fuencarral Operations Center, it already feeds twenty electric buses of the municipal fleet. It is expected that this progress, explained this morning during his visit to the facilities Borja Carabante, delegate of Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility, will be implanted in all the operations centers of the municipal company, including in the new ones that will be launched in the tables and the Elipa.
«It is a system fully automatedwithout intervention of any person. It appears the bus, lower the pantograph and the load begins, which is intelligent because it is done based on different parameters. Takes into account the needs of the bus; It is not the same as the line leaves in the afternoon to leave in the morning. It also loads depending on the price of energy, ”he added.
It is conceived not to require human intervention throughout the process: from the connection of the loaders to the beginning of the driver’s day, avoiding waiting and ensuring that the buses are ready and heated to leave on time.
All the processes related to the output schedules and the energy consumption of each bus and of each installation are managed 100% automated. Similarly, the system is able to minimize the power used in the load center, optimizing the use of electricity during the different tariff periods. In two or three hours, buses are loaded.
Photovoltaic energy
In parallel, EMT Madrid has planned to manage the photovoltaic energy generated in its facilities using battery containers that allow storage. “This system allows us to save more than 30% of the energy cost with respect to the ordinary load,” Carabante explained.
In addition to the 20 electric charge stalls, the project integrates a fire protection system that, through gas and thermographic cameras sensors, works in coordination with smart recharge.
This system arose in 2020 as a draft and culminated with the signing of the contract with the UTE formed by Endesa X and Etralux in 2022. It was in evidence until September last year, it has cost near Five million euros (5,094,169 euros) and has been funded by the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility (4,253,032 euros) within the municipal aid program for the implementation of low emissions areas and the digital and sustainable transformation of urban transport within the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.
Currently, Madrid has 40 completely electrified lines. At the end of this year, 25% of municipal buses will operate without fuel, In 2030 they will be one in three and in 2033 the total fleet will be decarbonized.
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