Two weeks ago the operation on the adenoids, on Monday an illness at home and on Wednesday the tragic epilogue: goodbye to little Rebecca
He was called Rebecca the 9-year-old girl who passed away forever last Wednesday. She ended up in hospital on Monday after suffering a cardiac arrest before her parents' eyes. She was transported to Pope John, she fought for two days before giving up. The pain throughout the Arconate community is enormous.
The community of Arconatea small town of a few thousand inhabitants near Legnano, in the province of Milan, is completely shocked by the tragic death of a 9-year-old girl.
Her name was Rebecca and until shortly before leaving forever she enjoyed excellent health. A couple of weeks ago she had undergone surgery at adenoids and subsequently returned home and her normal life.
Monday morningaround 7:00, while she was getting ready to go to school (she was in the fourth grade at the Maestri primary school), she suddenly collapsed to the ground in the throes of an illness.
THE parents they immediately alerted me rescued and the regional emergency emergency agency (AREU) had sent an ambulance and an air ambulance to the scene.

Transported urgently at the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamothe doctors tried in every way, over the next two days, to save her.
Unfortunately Wednesday the news has arrived that no one would have ever wanted to hear, that of death of little Rebecca.
Condolences for the death of Rebecca

The tragic event has obviously devastated completely his parentsbut also the whole community of Arconate.
Sergio Callonimayor of the town, sent a long and touching message of condolence to social media:
Sweet Rebecca. In this unjust world, there are no adequate words to express the pain of our community. We feel dismayed, we cry helplessly in the face of the inconceivable tragedy of a beautiful little girl who disappeared so soon, so unjustly. And precisely in the darkest hour, in which the unspeakable suffering overwhelms all of us, the municipal administration and the entire community rally in unison around your family, your friends, your teachers, all those who simply they loved you. We imagine you with your beautiful smile, in a place where there is no more pain, but only love and infinite skies. Have a safe trip, sweet Rebecca.
That of the mayor was followed by dozens and dozens of other posts, arrived by many citizens. All united in embracing a family completely destroyed by this tragedy.
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