The democracy not only does it imply a limited government, the product of a choice for the majority of citizensHe too respect for political and economic freedomsYet the division of powers. A democratic government It must have good relations with its democratic neighbors and not help or acquiesce to the dictatorships of other countries, as is the case of the Cuban and Venezuelan ones.
The foreign policy of the government of Mexico It does not meet the characteristics of a democratic country.
He government of MORENA tolerates left-wing dictatorships and helps themlike the Cubanwhich He gave him oil and diesel, with an approximate value of 200 million dollars.
He MORENA government invited to Mexico the Cuban dictator, president of Cuba and secretary of the communist party, Diaz-Canelimposed by Castro clanwho have governed that country for more than half a century.
AMLO He treated him as a respectable statesman and a democratic ruler. leader of a dictatorship. The same treatment is given to the Venezuelan dictator Ripe.
The communist governments of Chávez and Maduro They have been in power for 25 years, a quarter of a century. He government of the 4T, of MORENAconsiders that dictatorship a democratic government.
While with democratic governments, such as that of Ecuador, it breaks relations because it removed from the Mexican embassy in that country a criminal, a radical leftist, to whom the officials of the Mexican embassy, with the consent of the MORENA government, improperly gave asylum. They violated the principle of non-intervention.
With democratic countriesUnited States, Chile and Ecuador, President López Obrador's government has problems.
More than 80% of Mexican exports go to the United States. American companies in Mexico provide work for thousands of Mexicans, while in Cuba, a dictatorship to which we export less than one percent of exports, we subsidize its government with thousands of liters of oil, for which we do not charge, which increases the Pemex losses.
The Mexican people pay aid to a dictatorial government through taxes imposed by the 4T government.
For socialist dictatorships, like the Venezuelan one, hugs and subsidies, and for our democratic neighbor, criticism and obstacles to their investment in Mexico.
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