Nowadays, many of the meals we make at home are taken from social networks, and more and more recipes are expanding internationally until they reach Spain. Some of the most viral dishes have been the avocado toasthe porridge oatmeal, the microwave cake… and now it’s the cucumber salad’s turn. It is a food that is going around the world and Amelia Bono wanted to try it, adding some ingredients that provide great advantages for reduce the bloating that many of us feel after eating as well as for health in general.
The original recipe for cucumber salad that has become so well known recently consists of these ingredients: cucumber, red onion, avocado, salmon, cream cheese, lemon juice, and to spice it up add salt and pepper. Bono has modified the recipe by adding caperssesame seeds, feta cheese and a splash of extra virgin olive oil. He has also eliminated salmon, red onion, lemon juice and avocado. We tell you the benefits offered by Amelia Bono’s cucumber salad.
What benefits does cucumber salad have?

After modification of cucumber salad The ingredients would be the following: cucumber, capers, sesame seeds, cream cheese, extra virgin olive oil and feta cheese. Each of these foods influence both physical and internal aspects of health.
Dr. Agustin Molins, specialist in Aesthetic Medicine and Nutrition and Dietetics and member of Grupo Top Doctors explains to Women How can we include this food in the diet and what can we get from it. From its anti-inflammatory power to its ability to maintain radiant skin and a youthful appearance, as well as other advantages and tips to accompany it with other foods.
What does cucumber do on the skin?

Cucumber is an easy ingredient to find in any supermarket and we use it as a complement to many meals, but do you know all its benefits?
As the expert mentions, this vegetable is rich in antioxidants, so helps improve the appearance of the skin. We know that with hormonal changes, women can experience different changes in their skin, whether during menstruation when the first acne breakouts can appear or in menopause, which The skin begins to dehydrate, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.
In this scenario, cucumber “has a high water content that contributes to the total we need for proper hydration,” adds Molins. Likewise, it has a low glycemic load, so avoids insulin spikes and having a low energy content, It is indicated in maintenance or weight loss diets. So if you are looking to lose weight, this food is ideal for that, and the nutritionist qualifies it as “a natural anti-inflammatory.”
What vitamins does capers contain?

This ingredient is the choice of many to include in the salad, although it can also be added to other dishes such as pasta, a sandwich or a salmon tartare, for example. The truth is that its vitamins help prevent certain diseases that frequently occur in women.
The quercetin contained in capers may contribute to normalizing blood pressure. normal brain activity and are also cardio-protective according to the Top Doctors member. It is a flavonoid and contributes to the normalization of the function of potassium ion channels, important for maintaining a correct ionic balance.
They are also good antioxidants, as they are rich in vitamins A, C and E. Thus, contribute to reducing oxidative stresshave an anti-inflammatory action and improve the quality of the skin. Now, he warns that “they have a high sodium content, so they should be moderate consumption in people with high blood pressure“.
On the other hand, they are rich in vitamin K, which helps prevent Osteoporosis, a common pathology among women with menopause. One of the symptoms during this stage is bone weakness and an increase in fractures, often resulting in osteoporosis.
The doctor points out that they have also been shown beneficial effects in regulating immunity. Finally, they improve blood glucose and cholesterol in patients with metabolic syndrome.
What do sesame seeds do in the body?

Sesame seeds have become very popular in recent years as a garnish for salads, and even for yogurt with oats. Like capers, They are a great source of vitamins that help prevent some diseases.
On the one hand, it is a good source of calcium, magnesium and group B vitamins and rich in oleic, linolenic and omega 3 acids. Its content gives it “benefits to avoid osteoporosisand take advantage of the anti-inflammatory effect of its essential fatty acids,” he points out.
Rich in vitamin E and lignans, they help regulate cholesterol levels and triglycerides and to control chronic low-grade inflammation. On a physical level, these seeds are very rich in zinc and selenium, two essential minerals in the body. nutritional care for skin, nails and hair.
Finally, group B vitamins contribute to a good sleep control, anxiety -very present in women-and stress. It is not recommended to eat it daily due to its toxicity that would affect pregnant or lactating women, causing unwanted hormonal changes.
What effects does olive oil produce?

The nutritionist concludes this list of foods by stating that this type of oil is an unrefined oil and is considered “liquid gold” for our health.
Countless benefits are attributed to it and, as it is not refined, it keeps its nutrients and antioxidants intact. With more than 30 components, the cardioprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect It is very evident.
The benefits attributed to it are the following:
- It positively influences the mental health.
- Protection cardiovascular.
- Increase of the immunity.
- Properties antibacterial.
- regulator of gut microbiomewhich gives it a protective role against colorectal cancer and other pathologies, while reducing inflammation and contributing to a glowing appearance of the skin.
Regarding feta cheese or cream cheese, Agustin Molins states that for a person with an average weight of approximately 62 kilos, the salad “requires a little more protein than feta cheese or cream cheese.” These are the ways to combine Amelia Bono salad.
How to properly mix salad?

Molins recommends add the ingredient from the original recipe: salmon, but you can also include 100 grams of grilled chicken or turkey breast; “it would help complete the daily dose of protein.”
In addition to feta and cream cheese, he advises including the “most complete food that nature offers us, a hard boiled egg“. Likewise, we could add some 70-100 g of tomatoesvery rich in lycopenes and excellent antioxidant. On the other hand, some bean sproutswhich are a source of vegetable protein and help reduce the typical hot flashes of menopause, prevent osteoporosis and regulate blood glucose.
Also, half an avocado, which provides us with healthy fats to improve our lipid balance between HDL and LDL cholesterol and is an interesting source of Omega 3. This will help improve the symptoms of menopause. In addition, it is an interesting source of minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium, the latter contributing to the control of emotions and helping to fall asleep.
All you need to do is add about 15 g of sunflower seeds.that They are rich in tryptophan, which contributes to “being happier” because it increases the production of serotonin. Due to their fiber content, they reduce the glycemic load of other vegetables, playing an interesting role in glycemic control in diabetic patients. Due to its linoleic acid content, it contributes to balance between good and bad cholesterol.
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