With ten minutes notice, -perhaps with the intention of avoiding, without success, the press- the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz-investigated in the Supreme Court for alleged revelation of secrets, has not made any statement before, during or after the event held at 6:00 p.m. at the Delegation of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, in Toledo. Everyone was looking for his words on the case of the leak of an email from the boyfriend of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Alberto González Amador.
Of course, with his perennial smile, he has limited himself to looking at the informants who assaulted him with questions and He has finally left Toledo through an adjacent door to the property on which his official vehicle has been placed. Not a word. García Ortiz has spent two hours of his time in Toledo to be present at a tribute to the 46 years of life of the Constitution, while seems not to find room to go to the Senate Justice Commission to give explanations about their activity, at least this year.
As ABC has learned, The conference closed last week with the current Government delegate, Milagros Tolónalso the former mayor of Toledo and the new Federal Executive of the PSOE after the Seville congress. Next to the president of the Council of State, Carmen Calvo -the other speaker at the event-, and in the presence of the senior prosecutor of the Castilla-La Mancha Prosecutor’s Office, the chief prosecutors of Toledo and Albacete, as well as other civil and military authorities, García Ortiz has explained basic legal aspects of the functions of a State Attorney Generalamong which “the defense of Fundamental Rights and public freedoms” stands out, and he also pointed out at some point in his speech that “it is taken for granted that It is autonomous from the Government as the constitutional legislator places it within the Judicial Branch.«.
In turn, – he continued – «the State Attorney General is an autonomous body of the judges, we do not want to be the same as them, we have a different role; nor are we executive, although we have some ties: the Government legitimately appoints me, the Constitution says so«. García Ortiz has even said at some point in his parliament that “It is complicated to be attorney general.”
For her part, the president of the Council of State, Carmen Calvoafter expressing all kinds of praise about the Constitution, has pointed out that «This country needs a conversation between generations«, a peaceful dialogue that teaches about the importance of the Magna Carta, and has criticized the current situation: »In these times it is not worth using legal arguments in such a misleading way in the political debate«.
Regarding what should be reformed or included in the constitutional text, the State Attorney General has cited the Right to the Environment, which “is not within the Fundamental Rights”, and Carmen Calvo has advocated adding inclusive language. And it has gone further: the president of the Council of State has said that this country “has to face title VIII of the Constitution, which is cumbersome, and let’s go to the Federal State, which is a single state and would have many advantages; “We would have to face the federal reform of Title VIII.”
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