Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is similar to a cold because it has very similar symptoms. The difference is that it is not caused by a virus, but that it is an allergic reaction to pollen, dust or domestic animals with hair or feathers. This allergic reaction causes itching in the eyes, nasal secretion and sneezing.
Causes of allergic rhinitis
The most common immune disorder
When it began to be known, hay fever was considered a rare pathology, but over time it has become the most common immunological ailment. There are no exact figures, but it is estimated that approximately 20 percent of the population presents reaction to polenes, about 10 percent have clear clinical symptoms and 5 percent receive medical care. There are various triggers of allergic rhinitis. The most frequent are pollution, dust mites, mold, pollen and hair or animal feathers.
Allergic rhinitis symptoms
Similar to a cold
The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are similar to those of the common cold.
– sneezing and coughing.
– Nasal drip and congestion.-
– Itching and redness in the eyes.
– Itching in nose and throat.
– Tiredness and discomfort.
Symptoms can be aggravated at certain times of the year, especially during spring and autumn due to pollen proliferation.
Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
Blood test
Normally, the doctor performs a first physical exam and requests a blood test to try to know what type of allergic reaction occurs. To do this, the analysis detects the amount of blood antibodies generated by allergy. A series of punctures in the arms are also usually performed to determine if there is allergic reaction and what causes it.
Treatment and medication of allergic rhinitis
Avoid contact with allergic substances
The solution to the problem caused by allergic rhinitis is, of course, to avoid coming into contact with what causes allergy. Anyway, in most cases medications are administered that reduce symptoms and allow rapid recovery. Among the most used medicines are antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids and all kinds of decongestants.
Allergic rhinitis prevention
Risk factors
Obviously, prevention goes to avoid being in contact with those substances that produce allergy. But there are other risk factors:
– Have other allergies or asthma.
– Hereditary causes.
– Contract atopic dermatitis
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