WhatsApp, from Meta, has established itself as one of the best applications for group chatting. It works on many devices (including the web), offers more or less the same experience on Android and iOS, and is available worldwide. And even more, since it was launched in 2009, it has acquired many useful features over the years.
If you use WhatsApp, there’s a good chance you’re in one or two group chats (old school friends, your kid’s sports team, your extended family, or the last wedding you went to) and have more features to use. play than you imagine.
These features include options to host or participate in the group chat (if you’re the designated administrator). Once you are familiar with everything you can do with a WhatsApp group chat, you will find the application much more useful and you will be able to manage your messages much more efficiently.
WhatsApp group chat features for administrators
To access the main options for a group chat, tap the group name at the top of the conversation, then select Group permissions– This option only appears if you created the group and are therefore the default administrator, or if another person with administrator privileges has also given you administrator status.
The first option here, Edit group settingsallows you to choose whether or not non-admins can change a group’s chat settings. This includes everything from the group name, description, and photo, to settings like pinned messages and disappearing messages. This is a single on or off setting for all group members (you can’t grant these privileges to some participants and block them from others).
There is also the option Send messages– If you disable it, only administrators will be able to send messages to the group. If you have large groups, this can really help keep the group on topic: you won’t be bombarded by all the members saying “thank you”, “what time do we meet?” and other things like that.
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