Alcohol|At least strong beers have not yet appeared as a spike in grocery store sales. In fact, the trend is in the other direction.
Before The arrival of stronger drinks on store shelves did not increase alcohol sales from the beginning of summer, says Päivittäistavarakauppa ry (PTY).
The amended alcohol law allowed eight percent alcoholic beverages made by fermentation to be sold in stores on June 10. It appeared on the shelves right away strong lager beers and milder versions of wines.
A beer however, the value of sales decreased in April–June by 5.8 percent and the volume of sales by 6.2 percent compared to a year ago. The information appears from the statistics collected by PTY, which they receive from their member companies, such as S and K store chains.
The value of sales of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers, on the other hand, increased by 23.1 percent and the volume of sales by 22.6 percent compared to a year ago.
“The year 2023 seems to have been a gap year in the growth of sales of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers, and now the pace of 2022 has returned. The Finns have clearly adopted the drinks of this product group as their own”, commented in the announcement CEO of PTY Tuula Loikkanen.
PTY clarifies that better information on stronger drinks can only be obtained from the July–September statistics. However, the situation at the beginning of summer showed that the new drinks did not cause the initial intoxication, and Finns’ alcohol consumption is decreasing.
Alko, on the other hand, said in July that sales of cheap wines collapsed. Alko anticipates that the reason is precisely the change in the law, but the monopoly has not yet drawn further conclusions.
In all the value of grocery sales in the second quarter of the year was 5.8 billion euros. Of that, food products accounted for 3.7 billion euros. The figures practically did not change compared to the previous year.
Food prices decreased by 0.9 percent from a year ago, and sales increased by 1.2 percent.
In autumn changes to the price level can be expected, because the general value added tax rate will be increased from 24 to 25.5 at the beginning of September. However, the change does not apply to foodstuffs.
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