In Italy “there are 36 million alcohol consumers”, with “10 million and 200 thousand Italians over 18” who “drank alcohol daily. But the 3.7 million 'binge drinkers' (those who abuse drinks to the point of getting drunk), especially males of all ages (104 thousand are minors)”. AND' the alarm raised by the National Alcohol Observatory of the Higher Institute of Health, Ona-Iss, in the report in which it reworked the Multiscopo Istat data through the Sisma (Alcohol Monitoring System), also for the National Statistical Programme, on the occasion of the Alcohol Prevention Day (Apd). The data will be presented on April 18th, during an international workshop scheduled at the ISS headquarters.
“There is a decrease towards 2020 levels, but not for women who are stable, therefore without any mention of a decline in consumption aimed at intoxication – highlights the report – Furthermore, the 'harmful consumers' of alcoholic beverages have been 770 thousand. High numbers continue to be recorded among women: in fact, there are 290 thousand consumers with alcohol damage. Of the 770 thousand harmful consumers with alcohol use disorders (DUA) in need of treatment, only 8.2% were clinically intercepted, for a total of 62,886 alcohol dependents under the care of the national health system services, with a constant and worrying decrease compared to the expected harmful consumers”.
The data from the Ministry of Health's Emur system “show and testify to the consequences of what has been described so far. In 2022, 39,590 emergency room visits were recorded – of which 10.4% were requested by minors – marking an increase of 12.1% in one year”, concludes the Ona-Iss.
#Alcohol #alarm #million #39binge #drinkers39 #Italy