Of all the works carried out by the more than 21 million Spaniards who current … labor market: The employees of the home regime and those linked to the field They have seen their number of contributors reduce in the last 12 months, after confirming this trend with the February data.
The records of this second month of the year leave 10,700 less affiliates In agricultural work. A figure that is explained by the volatility of work in the field and the conditions of each campaign. While in the home regime others have been lost 500 workers In the last month.
But in the last year, The home regime has already lost 22,000 affiliates; and another 4,600 have ceased their activity in agricultural work. To these 26,000 jobs we must add another 1,300 of domestic service employers who have ceased their activity. In total, almost 30,000 employed less in the last year in these three activities, compared to the growth experienced by the rest of the work of the economy, without exception, which has won 448,000 employees.
The bleeding of affiliates in the field and in the domestic service runs in parallel to increases from the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) like this year, with an increase of 4.4% to 1,184 euros gross. A measure that was going to impact, as the employers were warning, in the sectors with more workers charging the SMI. Among them, agriculture and home.
The president of Ata, Lorenzo Amor, had been insistently in “disagreement” with uploading the SMI “So abruptly” and without “compensation for sectors such as agricultural or home regime.” The Autonomous Organization has been warning that the constant increases of the SMI in the last six years – almost 60 % – has caused the loss of 174,000 jobs between agriculture and the home regime. «A rise of 50 euros per month is 1,000 more cost per worker between salary and social quotes; If we add the 6.25% increase due to the reduction of day, They are more than 3,000 euros per employee », He has insisted in many occasions love when asking himself if families who have hired a caregiver “can afford this.”
The tone is maintained
In general terms, the labor market has managed to put aside the ghost of the deceleration after a month of February in which have created 100,340 positions of work until the total number of affiliates brushing the 21.2 million, according to the data of the Ministry of Social Security. They contrast with the almost 250,000 affiliates that were lost in January, the worst start of an exercise in the last 15 years.
This increase in employment is mainly explained by the behavior of three sectors, which are the ones that usually pull the economy at this time, waiting for the tourist season to begin, somewhat more delayed this year for the Holy Week of April. This is education, where the number of Affiliates has increased by more than 31,000 people; hospitality, with 27.00 more; and construction, which adds another 20,000 workers in the last month.
For its part, the number of unemployed persons registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of the month of February has been reduced by 5.994 people in relation to the month of January, according to the data of the Ministry of Labor. This data contrasts with the usual trend for this month, in which the number of registered unemployed, especially waiting for the start of the high tourist season.
The total strike is 2,593,449 people, the lowest figure in a month of February since 2008. and with respect to February 2024 unemployment has dropped into 166,959 people.
#Agricultural #home #employment #falls #rise #minimum #wage