Two twins born with Down syndrome victims of keyboard lions: their mother Savannah Combs responds admirably
Savannah Combs she is a young mother who has decided to tell her story to the world, to leave a very important lesson to as many people as possible. She was only 23 years old when she found out she was expecting twins. She was over the moon.
One day, during a routine ultrasound, Savannah Combs discovered that both of her babies had the Down syndrome. At that moment the expectant mother refused to listen to any opinion and any medical advice. She and her husband decided that she would welcome them and she would accept them.
Twins with Down Syndrome are rare and difficult to manage. But they were my jewels. They told me I should have an abortion because they wouldn't make it. But I chose to give them the chance to fight and every day I thank the Lord for my choice. If I had listened to the doctors, I wouldn't have this precious gift now.
At 29 weeks gestation, Savannah gave birth to her baby girls, identical twins named Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman. They were born two months before their due date. For several weeks the little sisters remained hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit. Then, they returned home with their mom and dad.

Doctors still talk about a miracle. They had two sacs but shared the same placenta plus Down's Syndrome. They talked about a rare case, which happens once every 2 million. Despite their condition, they are like any other child. They have feelings, they have a beating heart. They know how to talk and how to do things. They may always be one step behind, but they will make it.
The two little sisters are almost done today 3 years and their mother created a social page to share their every little achievement and raise awareness of a situation like that of her daughters. Because children with Down Syndrome are wonderful and are a a precious gift like any other child.
I will let them know that they are like us and that they will make it as long as they put their mind to it. On social media there are keyboard lions who often criticize me and offend my daughters. To them I say: thank goodness they weren't born from you but from me. God knew what he was doing by giving these little girls to the right parents, who would love them no matter what.
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