Accidents | A person was found lifeless in the water in Ruissalo, Turku

The Coast Guard did not comment to STT on the age, gender or possible cause of the accident of the person found in the water.

Man was found lifeless in the water in Varsinais-Suomi, north of Ruissalo in Turku, tells Maritime Guard of Western Finland. Several different rescue units were called to the scene today around half past one in the afternoon.

According to the Coast Guard, the person found in the water was pronounced dead as soon as he was brought to the shore. He had been found about 15 meters from the beach.

The Coast Guard did not comment to STT on the age, gender or possible cause of the accident of the person found in the water. The accident site was on a different side of Ruissalo than where the Ruisrock festival is being held this weekend.

#Accidents #person #lifeless #water #Ruissalo #Turku

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