The research team ‘MYELOID AND HETASIA DEVELOPMENT NEOPLASIAS‘of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) has discovered a “key factor“In the development of myelofibrosisa disease that causes fibrosis in the bone marrow, with the enhancement of the spleen, fever, weight loss and anemia, along with a risk Increased from evolution to acute leukemia.
In depth
Specifically, the team is led by the doctor Francisca Ferrer and Raúl Teruelwho work together with scientists Ernesto José Cuenca-Zamora, Pedro J Guijarro-Rarrillo, María Luz Morales, María Luisa Lozano, Rocío González-Conejero and Constantino Martínezof the Regional Hemodeonation Center, according to sources from the teaching institution in a statement.
Myelofibrosis is caused by mutations in Several genesbeing the most frequently mutated the Jak2. The available treatments that have this gene-Jak Inhibitors-“They are not very effective in reverting fibrosis, nor to stop the evolution of the disease, in addition to having side effects“
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In this way, the UCAM team studied how inflammation plays “An important role“In this”cancer“From blood focusing on The NF-KB roadwhich is a set of proteins that regulate the immune response.
To do this, they used mice that lacked a key molecule in the regulation of that path (MIR-146A) and observed that they developed symptoms similar to myelofibrosis when aging. This allowed them to investigate the disease focusing on inflammation, and not only in mutations.
As explained by the UCAM“This discovery It is important because it suggests that reducing inflammation inhibiting NF-KB could help reverse some of the serious symptoms of the diseasesuch as platelet decline, spleen enlarging or bone marrow fibrosis, offering more effective treatments with less side effects. “
To take into account
The findings have been published in ‘American Journal of Hematology‘, one of the magazines more prestigious internationally in the field of hematology.
The doctor Ferrer And his team confirms that the study results “They provide a solid base for future clinical trials and development of treatments aimed at the NF-KB pathway in patients with myelofibrosis. “
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