The dwelling It continues to be, today, one of the big problems for many young Spaniards. To the difficulty of some to get a mortgage that can be adjusted to your budget is now added to the increase in rental priceswhich has made it difficult for many of them to be able to afford a house in decent conditions. Also the growing squattingwhich has made many owners think twice before putting their properties on the market.
They have spoken about this situation in laSexta Xplicawhere they have had several experts to talk about the effects that this constant could have price rise. One of the possibilities that has been talked about in recent weeks is a rent strike as a protest against the complicated market in Spain, something that could catapult a new war between tenants and landlords.
Among them, one of those who has raised his voice against this possibility has been Pascual Arinoreal estate investor with more than a dozen floors throughout Spain. The businessman, who left his job as a police officer to dedicate himself to the real estate sector, has demanded in the La Sexta program that a law be created protect owners more and make it easier for their homes to go on the market.
A real estate investor, clear about the rental situation and squatters in Spain
Ariño, who has assured that he began his path “without savings” and that he has achieved everything he has thanks to sacrifice and effort, has insisted that in our country “we lack financial culture»: «Most people buy an iPhone and spends his money on trips and whims», stated the expert, who instead saved to take out his first mortgage and who currently has 16 apartments in your name.
The investor has explained that, among all these properties, the majority are dedicated to «traditional and room rental»although this has not been the only area on which it has focused. “I have also had vacation and seasonal rental apartments,” he explained in the program.
José Yélamo, presenter of the La Sexta program, wanted to know this owner’s opinion on the possible rent strike proposed by the tenants’ associations. Given this, Ariño has been very clear and has explained that what will happen is that will completely affect the real estate market: «What you are going to create is still more insecurity for the ownerand this will cause the housing supply to decrease, which will have fewer offers available», said the investor, explaining that what is going to happen is that “prices are going to rise”.
«What a rent strike will create is even more insecurity for the owner, and this will cause the supply of housing to decrease. “Prices are going to rise”
Pascual Arino
Real estate investor and owner of 16 apartments
«Housing prices in the last year have skyrocketed and that is precisely why. Defaulters and squatters are protectedbut not to private property,” Pascual Ariño lamented, speaking of the insecurity that apartment owners like him experience in the face of non-payment by tenants or possible squatters.
Pascual Ariño, real estate investor and owner of 16 apartments, talks about the rental situation in Spain
A union member’s response to this 16-story owner
To Ariño’s words he responded Karla Pisanoof the Socialist Housing Union of Euskal Herriawho has called the investor’s ideas “false” that the real estate market is a high risk market». For the activist, the cause of the housing problem is not a shortage of supply, but “the housing business itself”: «The highest returns are being found in the real estate market, we are in a period of crisis and these returns are not found in other markets. There is a speculative movement of many rentiers and owners who are moving into this market because they find returns of up to 8%. Therefore, that insecurity is not such», the young woman recalled in the Sixth Xplica.
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