In Spain there are approximately 145,000 military active, according to the military statistical yearbook of the year 2022. What does not know is that between 1 and 2 percent of this figure are foreigners who, for different reasons, have decided to serve Our country.
One of these cases is that of Sergeant First Atoche, a native of Peru and resident in Barcelona, who has shared his story in an interview with the Tiktoker Wendy Szmid. In the conversation, Atoche explains the path that led him to become a military in Spain, a tour that began long before stepping on Spanish territory.
As he explains, his vocation was created in Trujillo (his hometown) where he studied in a military school. His arrival in Spain occurred through a civil employment contract, but after a year he had the opportunity to enter the Armed Forces.
However, he explains, the entrance process was not simple: the Navy imposes physical and technical evidence whose level of demand depends on each call. Only those who obtain the best grades finally access the training center.
In addition to explaining his experience, in the interview, Atoche disassembles the idea that military training ends once the institution is accessed. He emphasizes that his work requires a constant update of knowledge, something that, he says, forces him to study more now than when he was in Peru.
Reactions in comments
The fragment of the interview has reached some impact already date of this publication accumulates nothing less than 32,000 ‘Like’ In Tiktok. As usually happens in these cases, thousands of users have come to the comments section to discuss different aspects of the publication.
“I am young Peruvian I want . I know several that have enlisted the army. Bravo for you and the rest »o «Thanks for serving Spain»are some of the most prominent comments.
#Peruvian #explains #experience #sergeant #Spanish #Navy #Study