Bread should be part of our diet. Although many think that it is an unhealthy food, the truth is that it is essential due to its high carbohydrate content, the main source of energy for our body. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It also has iron, potassium, folic acid, fiber, among other components.
Despite all the benefits that bread provides, you have to be careful because not all are goodespecially those sold in supermarkets. The nutritionist warns of this Isabel Raya. The expert says that many people ask her why this product is so problematic, if our grandparents ate it every day. His answer is very clear: «Today’s has little to do with that of yesteryear».
Through her Instagram, Raya explains why you don’t recommend bread which is sold in large stores and indicates what has changed compared to a few years ago.
The reason why you should not buy supermarket bread, according to a nutritionist
Isabel Raya He assures that traditional bread was of a higher quality than today’s. «It was made with long fermentations, allowing bacteria to break down gluten and carbohydrates. Was easier to digest, more nutritious and with a lower glycemic index», he clarifies.
The nutritionist comments that wheat was also different. “It had less gluten and a different natural composition than what is grown today, which is exposed to more pesticides and altered in its characteristics to increase production,” he points out.
The expert states that the vast majority of supermarket bread “is made with refined flours, ultra-rapid fermentations and, in many cases, with totally unnecessary additives.” «All this makes it a sugar bomb, pro-inflammatory and difficult to digest», he laments.
For her, good bread is like a “luxury item.” «In the same way that you choose carefully where you buy a good Iberian ham, a good bread deserves to be purchased in a site that respects traditional ingredients and techniques. Otherwise, it will continue to be ultra-processed,” he warns.
The keys to knowing if a bread is good, according to a nutritionist
Isabel Raya has revealed the keys to know if a bread is good. First of all, the nutritionist indicates that we must prioritize the «ancient cerealssuch as spelled or kamut, which provide higher quality carbohydrates and proteins. “You can also opt for pseudocereals such as buckwheat, naturally gluten-free and rich in protein,” he declares.
Secondly, the expert considers that good bread has to be sourdough. “It is a mixture of natural yeasts and bacteria that ferment slowly, improving digestion and nutritional profile,” he explains. Likewise, he warns: “Have Beware of supermarket breads labeled as ‘sourdough’since they usually contain a minimum percentage that does not provide the same benefits.
Finally, Raya points out that fermentation must be “slow”. “Letting the bread rest for many hours allows the sourdough to better break down carbohydrates and gluten, reducing inflammation and facilitating the absorption of nutrients,” he concludes.
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