Can visual therapy become a 3D video game? Eva García Ramos, CEO and co -founder of Wivi Visionit is clear: yes, and it is not only possible, but revolutionary. Visual health, explains Garcia, is much more than having glasses to focus. “The vision is key to essential functions such as perceiving moving objects, reacting at different speeds, reading comfortably or driving safely.”
Wivi Vision’s origin was not accidental. A personal experience deeply marked García Ramos when his mother was diagnosed with a serious neurological disease whose first symptoms were manifested through the view. From there, together with the optometrist Juan Carlos Ondategui, he decided to create a technology capable of “detecting and correcting visual dysfunctions quickly, precisely and accessible,” clarifies CEO.
During the session, the user sits in front of a special screen and performs visual exercises using 3D video games. These video games are immersive and automatically adapt to the visual performance of each person, presenting challenges that simulate real everyday situations such as reading, driving or sports.
Wivi Vision Combina IA, Big Data, 3D visualization and gamification in a system that analyzes up to “100 parameters in five visual areas” In just 10 minutescompared to 60 minutes that require traditional methods. This has allowed to reduce treatment times drastically: what could previously take up to 12 months, now Wivi Vision achieves it in less than three, “with a proven efficacy of 100%,” says García Ramos.
Although the beginning was not simple, García Ramos acknowledges that establishing strategic alliances with large optical groups, technology companies and academic institutions allowed them to gain the necessary credibility to successfully consolidate their B2B2C model. Currently, Wivi Vision already has More than 17,000 users and is present in more than 100 optics in Spain. In addition, it prepares its expansion to the US, a market with a potential “four times greater than in Spain”, where it already has financial support for COFIDES and registration of the FDA.
Comprehensive approach
One of Wivi Vision’s main strengths against other visual therapies is its comprehensive approach. While conventional methods work visual areas in isolation, the Spanish startup integrates all aspects in a single intelligent system, offering specialists «Objective and detailed clinical dataas does a blood analysis ». In addition, your system can detect dysfunctions that are frequently confused with dyslexia or ADHD, allowing a more precise diagnosis.
The company is also exploring new horizons beyond the optical sector, with potential applications in schools for preventive evaluations and in pediatric centers or residences for adults. In short, the company aspires to become a kind of “vision netflix”, offering personalized and dynamic solutions.
With a recently closed series A series A, and total financing of seven million, the next step for Wivi Vision is clear: Accelerate international expansion and reinforce technological innovation. In addition to the US, the company already looks towards new markets such as Portugal, Germany and Italy, seeking to democratize access to quality visual health to improve the lives of thousands of people.
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