A group of Valladolid Desokupas are wrong with a direction in Monforte and end up denounced by coercion

Go to Desokupar and return denounced. That was what happened to a command of the Valladolid company Desokupacyl in its incursion in Galicia. In Monforte de Lemos (Lugo), an error in the direction brought them to a wrong door, through which they increased the owner and threatened to record and show it in Tiktok “so that everyone knows him as the scoundrel of Galicia ” The man, who intimidated by the presence of individuals did not open them at any time, has denounced them for harassment, intimidation and coercion.

Desokupa Cyl, with an emblem so similar to that of the National Police that could confuse a clueless spectator, presumes to be the first company in the sector in the community of Castilla y León. Following the model implanted by Daniel Esteve, the founder of Desokupa, its owner, Luis Núñez broadcasts all his activity through social networks, one of his methods of intimidation, by threatening the alleged offenders with “making them famous in Tiktok”. In a chulesco tone and always with his team behind, in bodyguard mode, he announces his performances: “We have come to Galicia to make two dekupations. I’m sure they leave. ” Then, he tries a Zafia joke: “I love Galicia: there is a good mussel, good clam and very good seafood”, to finish with her motto: “Gentlemen, Okupas, outside!”

There are two videos that Desokupacyl records of his arrival in Monforte, and in both, like, Núñez repeats the joke. The third – who has disappeared from his Tiktok account, but is still on Instagram – is the one that takes place on the portal and the rest of the frightened neighbor. Before entering, one of the employees says the name of the street: “Francisco Moure.” In plane the number is clearly seen, 36. Its real objective, apparently, was in 38 …

“If you are the owner, demonstrate it, espabilado”

After knocking on the door of the wrong floor, Núñez – secreted by two of his employees – responds to the person who asks from the inside: “I come in the name of the owner, I wanted to talk to you. You live in a fraudulent and illegal way. You must 26,500 euros. The best thing you can do is go out and talk to me or we can talk through the door. ”

The quiet tone of the beginning, where Desokupacyl offers to reach an agreement or give time to find a new accommodation, gradually disappears. The respectful interpellations – “Knight …” – are interspersed with insults: “That is not your home, face face!” The explanations, which are intuited, of the owner claiming the legality of their behavior, fall in a broken bag again and again.

“You’ll see no, I’m going to call the police to show it, sparked. And I’m going to your work and I’m going to make a video that you’re going to get beautiful on all social networks such as the scoundrel of Galicia. And your wife too, who works at a hotel. Moreover, I will go to the hotel right now to register there, spend the night and tomorrow come here again, ”he improcts him. Despite offering both to do so, neither one nor the other will notify the agents at that time.

Although it is not heard, by Núñez’s replica it is easy to imagine the answer that comes from within to his speech: “I think that he will go to shit is you.” “If it is your property, call the police and demonstrate it. I’m not going to leave here. I have all your information. ” He only lacked the right direction and another minor detail: that man, according to ProgressHe has no partner.

The whole video lasts six minutes and ends with one of the Desokupacyl employees hitting the door of the house, covering the mirlla, a notification headed by that logo so similar to that of the police in which it is read that this floor is “busy irregularly ”. While they leave, they comment that the supposed tenants “are without light.”

“Calling a door is not a crime”

The Lucense newspaper, who was the one who advanced the news, says that the owner spent several days distressed, until he decided to hire a lawyer, after which a complaint for harassment, intimidation and coercion filed before the police. In the TVG space Galega time They talked to him through the Housing Telefonillo and confirmed the presentation of the complaint.

Then, in the program they show a mobile connection, with a representative of Desokupacyl, surely Núñez, although they do not clarify it. That spokesman insisted that they had not made any mistake, but had been the owner who gave them the wrong address.

In the conversation with the journalist, he tries to remove iron from what happened. “Nothing happens either, I’m not committing any crime to knock on a door.” He ends by saying that, when he returns to Monforte in a month, to finish the dekupation in the right direction, he will say “that it was a confusion.” We will have to see if you have to tell it, again, through the door.

#group #Valladolid #Desokupas #wrong #direction #Monforte #denounced #coercion

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