That the Spanish and the French do not get along at all is not a secret to anyone. Despite being neighboring countries with a long common history, cultural differences and certain prejudices have created fertile ground for misunderstandings.
The TikTok user recently spoke about this topic @elrealclema young Frenchman who lives in Spain and uses his account to share anecdotes and reflections about his life. In one of his latest videos, Clem addresses some of the most common prejudices that Spaniards have about the French, dismantling or confirming certain ideas with humor.
Don’t the French take showers?
One of the most widespread clichés in Spain is that the French do not have good hygiene habits. Clem, who at first is somewhat reluctant to accept it, admits that he has had experiences in shared apartments with compatriots that could give rise to this prejudice. According to him, some of his classmates used to bathe only once or twice a week.
However, he assures that this is not the general rule and mentions that, in his case, he showers twice a daylike many people in their family and social environment. By way of context, he also mentions a study that indicates that 25% of French men do not change their underwear daily, a fact that perhaps further fuels this stereotype.
The constant judgment: myth or reality?
Another of the clichés that Clem highlights is the supposed tendency of the French to judge everything. In this case, he does not try too hard to deny it, since he recognizes that in France opinions and criticism are the order of the day.
Linked to the above, Clem confirms another prejudice: Parisians are unfriendly. However, he clarifies that this does not apply to all of France, since in regions like the south, where he is originally from, people are much more open, friendly and talkative.
Are the French arrogant?
As for alleged French arrogance, Clem muses that it may be more a matter of first impressions. According to him, the French can seem cold or distant at first, especially when compared to the effusiveness and physical contact of the Spanish, which are more common even among strangers. However, he says that once a closer relationship is established, the French are just as warm and open.
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