A alleged sexual offender has scared the neighbors of the Alameda de Hércules after a serious episode of sexual abuse that occurred this monday at the door of a primary and secondary education center in the area. The events occurred minutes before eight in the morning when this individual, a young black foreigner that appeared to be “drunk or drugged» –according to several witnesses–, he chased a 12 year old student to the entrance courtyard of the institute and then cornered two other 15 year old students.
It was a teacher from the school who detected this individual when he was harassing a student in the classroom. access patio to its facilities. After achieving protection for the victim, he managed to expel this individual outside, although he did not stop in his efforts, approaching two other students from the same institute a few meters later. This second episode occurred next to a grocery store near the educational center – very close to the National Police Station – where the alleged sexual attacker cornered two students from the same educational center, whom he kissed on the mouth and touched all parts of their bodies.
According to sources consulted by this newspaper, the young women They managed to escape from the attacker thanks to the appearance of a “police” patrol –they do not specify whether it was from the National or Local body–, which motivated the escape of this foreigner. As confirmed to this newspaper from the Security Delegation of the Seville City Councilthe ‘Guardian Agent’ unit reinforced the area this Tuesday with several local police patrols after requesting it from the center management. As ABC has learned, the agents already have “identified” the alleged aggressor and in the next few hours he could be arrested. For its part, National Policewhose responsibility this investigation would be, says “not having knowledge” of what happened.
Emergency meeting with the District
These events have generated great discomfort among the parents of the students of this educational center, who have requested a Emergency meeting with the director of the Casco Antiguo District to convey the growing insecurity in the area. The AMPA of this school could attend the meeting accompanied by representatives of the educational centers in the area
As they explain, the area lives a serious problem of neighborhood coexistence and insecurity which is motivated by diverse circumstances such as proximity to several shelters and soup kitchenswhose users wander and spend the night around Feria Street and Alameda de Hércules. The parents claim to “understand the need for” this type of social centers to exist, although they will ask the director of the Casco Antiguo District for her decentralization “because it cannot be that they are all in the same place,” they explain.
The ‘mataleón’ technique
Furthermore, they say that last Christmas Eve a 22 year old young man was attacked with ‘mataleón’ technique in the San Lorenzo neighborhood, who They stole his mobile phone and wallet. The young man claimed not to remember anything at first, so he took a while to report it, thinking that he had fainted. After a few days he began to remember how he had been attacked by two young individuals of foreign nationality.
#foreigner #sexually #abuses #year #students #high #school #Seville