It is vital to keep your identification card securely with you at all times. If your badge is misplaced or stolen, it can result in identity theft with severe consequences. For instance, the thief could get access to several e-services, write a fraudulent check, withdraw funds from your bank account, and change your billing address. There are several ways of securing your card, but one of the most effective is badge reels, which is a case that contains a retractable cord. How does it work, and what should you know about it?
What is a Badge Reel?
As explained earlier, a badge reel is a housing or case with a retractable cord connected to the badge holder. Usually, it’s available in two shapes: round and square. It measures 1.25 inches in diameter, making it easy to attach to your body and carry everywhere. A belt clip on its back enables you to attach the badge reel to your clothes.
Types of Clips Used
You can use various types of clips to fasten the badge reel to your clothes, like springs clips, belt clips, and closed-end pins. The cord which connects the badge holder is between 27 to 36 inches long and consists of a spring mechanism within the casing for easy retractions when pulled.
What are Their Essential Features?
Almost all reels you will find have the same features, including a housing, cord, clothing attachment, spring mechanism, and badge attachments. They consist of three main parts: outer case, inner workings, and attachment points, and each of them has a function to play in the overall mechanism. Various materials from stainless steel to non-lead plating are used in them.
Outer Case
The outer case fulfills two primary functions. It covers the coil mechanism entirely, provides complete protection, and offers you a space to print what you want. Most badge reels have an outer metal or plastic case available in various colors, including black, orange, pink, purple, and white. You can also customize the case on the front by directly printing two colors or using full-color scratch-resistant nylon imprints. Most people go for the full-color option since it looks attractive. However, direct printing enables you to print on the rim and the center. Like carabiner-style reels, you can customize some of them on the front and back surfaces. If you buy a heavy-duty reel, it will usually be available in a single color and chrome combination.
Inner Workings
Inside the reel, the coiled springs play the role of pulling back the cord when it is extended. As mentioned above, the cable measures between 27 to 36 inches in size and varies depending on what type you buy. They are made of base metal and have 18 inches cords, while carabiners have 36 inches cords. Most of them are manufactured from nylon, while heavy-duty badges have a reinforced nylon or steel cord.
Most of these reels can be attached either to an identification card or your clothing. Both of these methods deserve a separate explanation.
ID Card
You can attach the ID card to the reel in various ways, including bulldog clips, O-rings, snap-on vinyl strips, or snap hooks. The most preferred of these is snap-on vinyl strips, where a vinyl strap is inserted through the slot above the ID card and finally fastened together. You can attach mini tools or keys to the badge reels with snap hooks or rings and similar objects.
To Your Clothing
If you decide to attach the reel to your clothing, there are several ways to do it. The first option is using a belt clip attached to the back of the reel housing while the case is clipped to the belt. However, for this, the information has to be printed on the case’s back. The second option is a tight endpin that enables you to attach the reel case directly to your clothes, just like a piece of jewelry or any other attachment object. You can also go for an alligator clip, which is called so since it has small teeth at the end that attach themselves securely to your shirt’s sleeve or pocket. Another option is the wire gate to fasten the case to a buttonhole or circular loop. The wire gate bends under pressure and comes forward with a sharp jerk, attaching itself to the coil.
Badge reels and lanyards are two popular options for holding ID badges. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right option for your needs.
Lanyards are cheaper and easier to use then badge reels. They also don’t require any extra hardware, making them a good choice for people who don’t want to fiddle with extra pieces. However, lanyards can be uncomfortable to wear around the neck, and they’re not as durable as badge reels. You can get the two of these at 4inlanyards and can customise them as per your own requirements.