More than a dozen senior officials of the Generalitat Valenciana have a salary that exceeds that of the president of the Consell thanks to salary supplements. At least 16 members of the regional Executive and its second tier have benefited from the staff complement introduced in the latest support law to benefit senior officials who are civil servants. Added to the three-year terms, a remuneration to which his predecessors were entitled, there are a dozen who earn more than the president of the Generalitat: all above 80,000 euros per year.
The remuneration of the senior officials of the Generalitat Valenciana has several components: the basic remuneration, the trienniums – which reward the seniority of the civil servants -, the compensation for residence – if they live outside the city where they carry out their activity – and, from this year, thanks to the change in the law, a “senior official personal supplement”, designed so that officials would not lose salary when adopting political responsibility. This measure was introduced in the law supporting the PP, with a limit of 15% with respect to the salary of the president of the Consell, and establishing that the amount “will be certified by the administration of origin with details of the remuneration that would actually correspond to the workstation”. In the latest decree on the mobility of civil servants by DANA, the limit has been eliminated, so any senior official who is a civil servant will be able to match their salary to the one they had.
Analyzing the remuneration tables available on the transparency portal, it is clear that the supplement benefits senior officials in Health, the Presidency and the Treasury. This analysis does not take into account the salaries of the recent additions to the Consell because their salaries have not yet been published: neither the second vice president, Francisco José Gan Pampols, nor any member of his team, nor the Emergency Minister, Juan Carlos Valderrama, nor the head of Justice, Nuria Martínez, nor the head of Innovation, Marián Cano. The Executive had to announce Gan Pampols’ remuneration (84,000 euros), due to the speculative scandal over his salary, confirming that he will earn almost 4,000 euros more than Mazón, not counting the possible compensation for residence. It is also not yet listed on the GVA Oberta website. Before entering politics, Gan Pampols declared compensation of 136,000 euros last year, due in part to his activity as a lecturer or media collaborator.
Carlos Mazón’s salary is 91,398.24 euros thanks to the 2% increase approved in the summer. There are 80,173.92 euros of base salary plus 11,224.32 euros for residence compensation, given that you must travel from Alicante. It is the senior position that earns the most if the base salary is taken into account and the fifth senior position that earns the most if the supplements and compensation are taken into account, only surpassed by the Health elite and Mazón is already close to the remuneration he received when he was president of the Alicante Provincial Council, where he added more than 10,000 euros in assistance to public organizations to his base salary of 84,900 euros per year.

The legislative modification that allows for additional personnel was widely criticized. According to the transparency portal, it is “a compensation intended to equate the remuneration of someone who holds a high-ranking position in the Consell with the remuneration they were receiving as civil servants before taking office.” In this year alone, and without accounting for the new senior officials who may receive it, it implies close to 180,000 euros per year. For the moment, and according to what is published on the Transparency portal, the ten senior officials who benefit from this new remuneration are:
- Alvaro Cuadradoundersecretary of the Ministry of Health. With a salary of 67,684.20 euros, it adds 4,731.30 in three-year terms and 24,516 euros in personal supplement. In total, there are 96,931.50 euros annually, the senior position that earns the most in the entire Consell. The undersecretary was auditor of the Valencian Courts during the period of the Consell del Botànic, until he was appointed in Health by the PP Executive. He had been working in the regional Parliament for 20 years, except for a brief hiatus in the Department of Social Welfare.
- Bernardo Valdiviesoregional secretary of Planning, Information and Digital Transformation. He receives a salary somewhat higher than that of the councilor, with 68,281.92 in salary, 8,786.70 for three-year periods and 16,875.12 for staff complement. In total, he receives 93,943.74 euros annually. The regional secretary, with an extensive resume, has been director of the Big Data, AI and Biostatistics Platform and Principal Investigator of the Joint Research Unit in ICTs applied to the reengineering of health processes at the La Fe Health Research Institute.
- Marciano GomezMinister of Health. He receives a salary of 68,297.40 euros – like the rest of the councilors –, 8,110.80 euros for three-year terms and 16,859.88 euros for additional staff. In total, there are 93,268.08 euros per year. A doctor by training, also dedicated to teaching, he was director of the Medical Clinical Management area at Hospital La Fe.
- Juan Manuel Beltrán Garridogeneral director of Public Health. He receives, like the rest of the general directors, 65,679.62 euros in base salary, to which 4,731.30 euros are added for three-year terms and 15,501.48 euros for staff complements. In total, there are 85,912.40 euros per year in remuneration. A specialist in public health and preventive medicine, before joining the Consell he was Head of the Preventive Medicine and Public Health Service at the La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital, according to his resume.
- Maria Luisa MediavillaUndersecretary of the First Vice Presidency and Department of Equality. He receives the same base salary as Cuadrado –both undersecretaries–, with 9,372.12 euros for three-year terms and 13,901.16 euros for the aforementioned senior position complement. In total, it adds up to an annual remuneration of 90,957.48 euros. Before her political responsibility, she was a judge and was part of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu.
- Cayetano García Ramírezregional secretary of the Presidency. To his salary as regional secretary he adds 675.90 euros for three-year terms and 11,833.68 for the complement. They are, in total, 80,791.50 euros, barely 300 more than the president’s base salary. Until his incorporation into Mazón’s cabinet, he served as secretary of the body of civil servants with national qualifications, according to his resume.
- Joaquín VañóUndersecretary of the Presidency, receives 67,684.20 euros in salary, 6,759.00 for three-year periods and 7,534.92 euros for staff complement and 9,475.80 for residence complement. In total, there are 91,456.92 euros per year. The sum of rights and benefits places him among the highest paid in the Consell, also above the president. Until July 2023, he held the position of deputy director general of labor relations, reporting to the general directorate of labor, in the Generalitat.

Five general directors of the Consell also receive this complement of senior officials: the general director of Intervention, the general director of the Valencian Tax Agency, the general director of Financing, the managing director of the Metropolitan Transport Authority of Valencia, the general director of the General Attorney’s Office, and the general director of Budgets, all between 4,000 and 9,000 extra euros, bordering on salary of the president, if trienniums are included. Also the Comptroller General of the Generalitat, the Lawyer of the Generalitat and the regional Secretary of Economy, with 6,900 and 4,311 euros of complement, respectively.
In the case of the Generalitat Attorney’s Office, and other positions that require the status of civil servants to be appointed, the 2019 tax measures law, approved by the Botanical Pact, establishes: “In no case, remuneration, excluding The three-year terms of those senior positions that, as a requirement for their appointment, must meet the status of public official in accordance with their specific regulations, may be lower than those that correspond to a position of deputy director general or assimilated with recognized professional career level four, accruing, where appropriate, a personal supplement for the corresponding salary difference.”
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