In every city in Spain there are one or more Chinese bazaars. These types of establishments landed in our country in the 90s and expanded to become almost another cultural element. But why are Chinese people usually the ones who run these types of establishments? Why are they also usually seen running bars?
The TikTok user has spoken on this topic @jiajunyin3a young Chinese man who lives in Spain and is dedicated to spreading the word about his community and country on social networks. In one of the most recent videos on his account, the user explains why the Chinese who arrive in Spain invest in opening bars and bazaars.
At the beginning of the publication, the young man already suggests that the main reason is “that they have no choice.” He explains that the majority of Chinese when they arrive in Spain do not even have basic notions of the language, so they have no choice but to work in this type of service.
«If they start working for others, without the language, they would only achieve very poorly paid jobs. And for that it is better to stay in China. Given these conditions, they have no choice but to undertake, since opening a bar or a bazaar is something relatively viable,” comments @jiajunyin3.
Afterwards, the young man explains that both businesses are relatively profitable, and that in the case of the bazaars, even more so, since the products arrive at very low prices from China. Regarding language, he says that in the hospitality industry they only need to know the names of four basic things, and in bazaars not even that: “Just point and say ‘at the bottom right’«, the user jokes.
But language is not the only decisive factor. @jiajunyin3 explains that another key is that the Chinese are willing to help each other by lending money, so it is common for the newcomer to be given a certain amount to open one of these businesses.
Reactions in the comments
The young Asian’s video has achieved a certain impact and as of this publication it has accumulated no less than 36,000 likes on TikTok. As usually happens in these cases, thousands of users have gone to the comments section to debate different aspects of the publication.
«I am Italian, the first thing I did was learn Spanish», «I work in a Chinese bazaar and it is the best job I have ever had», «the bars are more in Catalonia and Valencia, in other places there will be but very few » or «Yes, but now the Chinese sell you things at the price of a store in Spain», are some of the most notable comments.
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