Up to 5.2% on average have risen 16 foods that are not usually missing in Christmas shopping baskets. Six of these products have even registered all-time highs. These data come from the Christmas Price Observatory presented by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), which is in charge of carrying out a study of the price of food on these dates each year.
This study has revealed that products like el sea bream, which is close to 60 euros per kilo, the suckling lamb (21.51 euros per kilo), the beef round (17.04 euros/kilo), Lombard (1.90 euros/kilo), pineapple (2.03 euros/kilo) or grenade (2.93 euros/kilo) have reached values that they had never recorded before.
Only five foods have dropped in price compared to last Christmas: clams (-19%), turkey (-6%), prawns (-5%), pularda (-3%) and hake (-1%).
#Typical #Christmas #foods #skyrocket #price