It is one of the great concerns of parents since the baby comes home. During pregnancy they have prepared themselves to spend entire nights without sleep and at the same time they hope to be lucky enough to the creature follows the circadian cycle as soon as possible. Breastfeeding and the threat of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) are some keys to take into account to decide on co-sleeping.
It is about a controversial issue that divides fathers and mothers among those who opt for sharing a bed with their children without a specific date to end this practiceand those who prefer to follow general pediatric recommendations, that is, who the creature rests is a differentiated spaceeither in a separate crib or in a co-sleeping crib (attached to the parents’ bed).
Although research has been done on the most appropriate options, the truth is that there is no scientific evidence about how advisable or not co-sleeping is. Recent reviews have suggested the relationship between bed sharing and SIDS in smoking parentsbut it is not so obvious when they do not smoke. Breastfeeding is also pointed out as a favorable factor to always opt for co-sleeping. that does not occur before the baby is six months old.
Red lines for co-sleeping
At the medical consultation, parents will receive all the necessary information to resolve doubts about both co-sleeping and cohabitationthat is, sharing a room with the baby, a practice that the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) recommends that it be maintained during the first six months of life or even a year.
The AEP also puts clear red lines regarding co-sleepingthe following circumstances in which you consider that the baby’s life would be at risk:
- Infants under three months of age.
- Prematurity and low birth weight.
- Parents who consume tobacco, alcohol, drugs or sedative drugs.
- Fatigue situationsespecially extreme fatigue, such as the immediate postpartum.
- Co-sleeping on soft surfaces: water mattresses, sofa or armchairs.
- Sharing a bed with other family members: children or multiple people.
Risk of sudden death
Although the cause is unknown of SIDS, there are alerts about risk factors and prevention measures such as those mentioned with respect to co-sleeping. Beyond practicing it or not, there are certain key guidelines: let the baby sleep on his back during the first year of life and The crib is as empty as possible so as not to interfere with their breathing.
An intermediate formula to ensure the greatest possible proximity to the baby during the first months of life and at the same time reduce the risk of sudden death, would be the co-sleeping cribright next to the bed, which not only provides greater attention but also favors lactation. From the first year and under medical advice, parents will be able to decide whether or not co-sleeping is the best option for parenting.
Spanish Association of Pediatrics (2014). Co-sleeping, sudden infant death syndrome and breastfeeding. Current consensus recommendations.
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