The first attempt of Government to move forward the path to the Self-Employed Regime (RETA) for mutualists has fallen on deaf ears and is now entering a period of ‘stand by’. A few days ago the PSOE tried to hang on to the recently approved Efficiency Law of the Public Justice Service the reform that enables the transfer to Social Security of the funds accumulated by alternative mutualists in the different professional associations, without success. The measure that was going to be developed from a compromise amendmentThe aforementioned law was rejected in the mandatory Justice Commission held, leaving from this moment at the expense of being subject as an amendment to some other law that is in parliamentary process or to be approved through a royal decree.
According to parliamentary sources consulted by ABC, one of the options to avoid the decree – which must justify the urgency of the maneuver aimed at improving the retirement expectations of the 60,000 mutual members of the legal profession and the alternatives of the other eight pension entities social security that have the legal possibility of functioning in parallel with Social Security in the scope of benefits -, could be the bill to extend the measures to face the economic and social consequences derived from the conflicts in Ukraine and the East Next. In that case, the new attempt by the department led by Minister Elma Saiz to move forward with the RETA bridge would be resolved in the Finance Commission.
However, at the moment the stalemate situation seems to continue until Social Security manages to soften the positions of political formations towards this route of transferring self-employed workers to the RETA. It should be noted that not only the PSOE transactional amendment that included the official proposal to reform the Social Security law was rejected but also those raised by Add and Can They fell into said commission, amidst criticism from the parties.
Lack of dialogue
One of the aspects that the parties criticize, beyond the exercise of parliamentary balancing that the Government is carrying out to hang on to the few bills with a view to moving forward on issues unrelated to the matter, is the lack of dialogue on this point of the gateway to the RETA with the formations. This is how he expressed it CKD ensuring that there has not been “sufficient dialogue from the Ministry” on the matter.
For its part, PP and Vox They assure that the measure is of sufficient importance to be processed autonomously and independently, being the subject of another Commission and its debate as an amendment to a Justice law is inadmissible. The popular ones assure that this is a “very delicate issue” to be ignored in an amendment, while Vox warns that at this moment “none of the amendments referring to the situation of the mutualists’ gateway to RETA “They cover the different expectations and casuistry of all those involved.”
It is worth remembering, in this sense, that hours before the transactional amendment that gave rise to the RETA gateway for mutual members fell under the determinants stipulated by Social Security, the Madrid Bar Association He had also expressed his reluctance about the final proposal proposed, ensuring that it incorporated limitations that “could exclude certain groups and make it difficult to access a Social Security system that fully responds to the contributory effort made throughout their professional careers.”
Improved proposal
Specifically, the Bar Association refers to aspects of the proposal – revealed by ABC – that, despite softening the initially proposed requirements, maintain certain chronological criteria that limit access to the RETA. In the official approach, which could be subject to review in order to obtain the support that it does not yet have in Congress, Social Security excluded only alternative mutualists who were registered with its professional association as of 2013. From there , requires that the beneficiary of the measure does not have 15 years of contributions to Social Security, that he was active on January 1, 2024 and that he does not have the status of a pensioner – both from Social Security and from his mutuality-.
At this point, both the groups that represent those affected and the J2 Movement either Anamanor the entities themselves – such as the Mutualitythe largest with 60,000 possible beneficiaries of the gateway – demand speed in the measure so that a solution is given to the demands of these self-employed workers and that they can begin their planning as soon as possible in terms of adaptation to the new contribution system.
Of course, the associations demand a gateway to the RETA without conditions that the Ministry of Social Security is not willing to enable when considering the need to establish minimums that also guarantee the lowest possible cost for the State coffers. Fact by which requirements are established that, despite having been shaped throughout the negotiation with the parties involved, continue to focus on resolve situations of vulnerability developed in the short and medium term.
#Government #obtain #support #leaves #RETA #gateway #mutualists #standstill