The entry of feminism into institutions and the approval of state norms such as Llei Trans wave llei Only Yes It Is Yes demonstrate, both in writing, the positive evolution in feminist and LGTBI rights in our country. Uns avenços que, malauradament, hanat acompanyats d’un anti-gender movement increasingly more aggressive“I mainly drive ―not just― for the extreme right.
Ara, a study led by the researcher from the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the UPF and director of the GRETA Research Group, Maria Rodói l’postdoctoral researcher Leon Freudewithin the framework of RESIST European projectanalyzes the impact of this movement on both cities of Catalonia and the Basque Country. Thanks to the testimony of 33 academic participants, activists and intellectuals, the investigation reveals that anti-gender attacks are “deliberately political” and seek to affect visible figures of feminism, with “great emotional and psychological consequences.”
What does the anti-gender movement consist of?
Lion: The anti-gender discourses that challenge the developments and feminist policies that are being deployed, but also include the attacks by the feminist movement itself on the transinclusive sector.
Maria: The concept of anti-gender is created in the academic world to identify movements or discourses that oppose feminist politics, referred to as “gender ideology.” It is a term that is used more in the Anglo-Saxon world, but when we explain to the interviewees that they are discourses that go against questions linked to sexual and reproductive rights or to sexual and gender diversity, they quickly connect with the idea.
What is the difference between mascliste or sexiste speeches?
M: The people interviewed were able to distinguish the sexism or discrimination they experience in their daily lives from anti-gender attacks. They are questions that are absolutely linked.
L: Anti-gender discourses are evident, for example, in the key questions that feminism is in dispute: the sexual trade and trans people.
Els anti-gender attacks, malgrat que ara s’identifiquin amb aquest nom, no son nous. Have they grown in parallel with the extreme right? Are they associated with a specific ideological framework?
M: Clearly, there has been a boom linked to the extreme, but with our project we will also want to broaden the perspective. We do not intend to limit ourselves to a single expiatory word, but rather the extreme direction responsible for promoting or disseminating these discourses. We will explore how it is manifested in many other countries, also by querres and feminists. A casa teva pots estar patint atacs anti-gènere.
L: One of the interviewees, an expert on the subject, warned that not only is it a countermovement to the feminist policies of the last five years, but that the anti-gender movement has become even more serious, since then it has been linked to religious groups.
M: Those who are already feminists in the era of transition since they have always existed, what happens is that now the level of aggression and beauty has increased.
Why are anti-gender speeches more aggressive?
M: The why not the know. We simply know that it is perceived in this way, above all by how it is configured and the weight they have in public debate.
Why does the denunciation of activists to issues linked to racism, for example, end up reverting to anti-gender attacks?
M: Anti-gender discourses have different meanings that are interconnected. They obviously attack gender and LGBTI issues, but they are also linked to anti-immigration and racism, to Spanish nationalism that goes against the independence movement and fatphobia.
Through whom do concrete forms express anti-gender attacks?
L: They range from everyday actions, with the case of workshops that offer workshops on gender or feminism and are accused of introducing the agenda woke up to the classroom, ends to situations more greus. Sensitive details of activists published to journalists, missatges and threats…
M: It is worth highlighting that these are attacks that are manifested in the public and private spheres, that is, they can be boycotts of feminist acts or graffiti on the labor union, but in some cases and in more intimate spaces they also occur.
Who role do the social leaders play?
M: L’ambit on-line Agafa has more centrality because it’s easier, it doesn’t matter if you have a single publication with X and you have 500 people who will attack you. In all ways, it is not a problem exclusive to theon-linebut rather it is reproduced in things that are not realistic. In the report we did not present very specific details because we believed that it was not necessary, but there were activists who received death threats, rape threats, pornographic images, threats of publication of personal details with the home address… Most of the ‘atacs is a fan of l’anonymat.
L: There are people who have the ability to ignore attacks on-lineHowever, attacks in more intimate countries are especially painful and, in principle, comfort must be compromised. And what happens to these things generates another effect of silence in private.
Are anti-gender attacks effective? How does it condition the daily lives of the victims?
M: Here is the focus of our report. First we will collect what happened and what effects it had. One of the main consequences is the silencing or self-moderation of discourse. These attacks have the objective of creating, not only the person who attacked them, but also their environment, but they do not act in the same way. People are no longer able to pay attention to themselves, to have a public profile, to serve certain social goals, to assist countries of political activism… Furthermore, there is also a great feeling of fatigue.
Tot i això, there are also people who have said that they do not plan to remain silent and that they plan to continue speaking their speeches, because they have a commitment to a political crisis.
Beyond silence, how does it affect mental health?
M: Many have had mental health problems, especially because they are affected by the sun. They do not have to help or protect them, they must seek their own sources of support or solidarity. It is believed that we name “bombolles” to create more freedom from these mena of aggressions.
What are the “countries of active resistance” that I mentioned in the report?
L: They have different shapes. For a journalist they can be the six companies, the family… In the political sphere they can be the support managers. There were some participants in the study who are going to be prosecuted for having responded to an anti-gender group and the security forces are going to publicize the case, they are going to explain the repression and they are going to organize activities to recover funds to finance the defense.
Do the interviewees report a lack of police, legal or administrative support?
M: Totes, tota l’estona. Sometimes the only support they have is in their friends, who are the people who care, who understand politically and feel safe. Això is the one that survived many of the interviewees. Let us put on the table the importance of friendship.
L: Friendships are important because so many attacks are very personal, like fatphobic insults.
M: All are going to denounce the lack of institutional support. In other countries, institutions follow anti-gender policies and laws. Here they do not have this paper directly, but it also does not protect them from attacks. Filing a complaint is useless, as there are no laws against digital violence. If this type of violence is not recognized as political violence, it will be difficult for victims to receive protection. It is not just that “tothom insulti a los xarxes”; It is a specific attack, directed and affecting specific people.
Whose future perspectives do you interview?
M: There was a diversity of opinions. Hi, people are very tired, very tired, but it also depends on the conditions in which they live. There can be different attacks and ways to resist. In our study of cases we have not seen so many, but there are victims who choose to migrate with a strategy of resistance. Depending on the family situation, resources, mental health.
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