One of them main problems of them presons to Catalonia is the elevated taxa of suicides among prisoners, especially among prisoners. Segons the annual report Regarding the prisoner statistics of the Consell d’Europa for 2023, which analyzes the data of 2022, the suicide rate for Catalan prisoners doubles the European and Spanish average. Fa two years the taxa to Catalonia was 16.8 suicides per 10,000 interns, while in Europe it was 7.1 and in the rest of Spain, 7.3. Aquest any, in només deu mesos, they have suïcidat 11 people.
Given this situation, the Department of Justice has presented a xoc pla to improve prevention, detection and action. Among them deu measures posed by the Government hi has the training for an interns or the analysis of this phenomenon both gender perspectivea question “clau i absolutely necessary” When it comes to addressing the problem of suicides among Catalan prisoners, according to Inaki Riveraprofessor of criminal law at the University of Barcelona and director of l’Observatori of the Penal System and Human Rights of the UB, format for social organizations of human rights, legal entities, families of inmates and academic institutions.
“Female suicide is more important than male suicide. I això is a topic that does not concern anyone”
He percentage of suicides The society is better in men than in gifts, but in prisoners it happens the other way around. Quantitatively they are small (there are between 6 and 7% of donations to Catalonia in relation to 93% of households), but the number of suicides is “very high” from a percentage point of view. The platform of Marea Blava pressure officials claims to focus on this problem. “Female suicide is more impressive than male suicide. I això is a topic that does not concern anyone,” Rivera remarks.
The masculinization The penitentiary centers have made invisible the reality of the suicide of prisoners, who try to commit suicide even more frequently. In a prisoner, being a prisoner faces more stigmatization, but being a prisoner faces more stigmatization. Rivera details that, unfortunately, the reality is that a prisoner “is always left alone.” “In canvi, l’home that is present, generally, you always have a donut on top: la mare, la seva parella, la germana…”, he explains.
In the case of gifts, when they enter a prisoner, the relationship is normally trenca, due to the situation of abandonment, shame, feelings of guilt, frustration or d’estigmatizació social. “It is difficult to find the figure of a man among the relatives who are in charge of the cure of an imprisoned woman. Therefore, the feeling of suffering is greater,” explains Rivera, who regrets that gifts to them “are not not only cover the physical or architectural structure of the cell, but also there is a family isolation“This series of situations and cases could explain, rather than justify, the high rate of suicides among victims,” he reflects.
End the penitentiary prison
One of the measures demanded by social organizations of human rights from fa anys To address the problem of suicides among Catalan prisoners is the abolition of the prison regime, the main cause of the high rate of suicides, according to Rivera. “There are two problems that range from the most. In 2017, a working group will be created for the Parliament of Catalonia that will prepare a report with the main conclusion being the absolute restriction of the application of the penitentiary prison. The “The relationship between the prison regime and suicide is direct,” he highlights.
The Government proposes prison measures for psychiatric supervision, but Rivera recalls that it still does not contemplate the penitentiary regulations of 1979 and demands to go further. If it is certain that Catalonia does not have legislative powers to modify the law or the penitentiary regulations, it does have the power to apply or not the penitentiary sentence, “or at least in a very minimal and restrictive and long-lasting manner.” temporary molt curta”, details the expert.
“One thing is the aïllament of one or two dies, and another very different thing is that the person is passi mesos i mesos stacada. Estem parlant del dret a la vida”
“It is one thing to apply this l’illament one or two days, in the context of an outbreak of violence, and another very different thing is that the person is momentarily and mesos stagnant. Estem parlant del dret a la vida. It must be a priority of the Government and the Parliament’s Justice Commission,” says Rivera, who all evaluate positively the Government’s xoc plan, have demanded the compareixença from the councilor to the Parliament.
Rivera explains that the prison affects the physical and mental health from everyone who lives and lives, from the prisoners and their relatives, finally civil servants who work. The penitentiary prison is an aggravation of all the details: “If to the damage you add the personal biographies of the prisoners, deteriorations due to drug abuse and chemical containment drugs to the prisoners, the trencament with the families and the parella , is creates a cocktail that from time to time, and badly, leads to suicide,” he laments.
The Observatory of the Penal System and Human Rights of the UB is formatted by the Observatory Association for monitoring the penal system, Arrels Advocates, Alerta Solidària, Justícia i Pau, Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, Xarxa antirepressió de familiars de detingudes, Famílies of prisoners to Catalunya, Irídia and Abogados del patio.
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