The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has achieved that Commercial Court No. 4 of Madrid admit to processing the class action lawsuit filed against the Renault car brand. This demand is contextualized by the brand’s belonging to a illegal cartelwhich has already been sanctioned by the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC).
The affected consumers are those who They purchased a vehicle of this brand between February 2006 and July 2013dates set by the CNMC, and all of them can join this collective action that has already started in the courts. The OCU has requested a compensation of 10.61% of the value of the car of each affected person, plus interest. In practical terms, this is equivalent to recovering between 14% and 17.5% depending on the purchase date.
This is the price that, according to an expert analysis carried out by the OCU, buyers paid above what the market should have set if the brand had not carried out illegal agreements with 20 other car brands. Likewise, in the call to those affected, the OCU has referred to the buyers of both a Renault vehicle and other brands affected during that period of time. For coordinate this collective actionhave provided a Web page so that those involved can join.
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