A two-hour hiking route to get to know the Redes Natural Park

The north of Spain has dense beech forests and rivers with crystal clear waters that make up a unique landscape. One of these places is listed as a Natural Park by the regional administration since 1996 and a Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 2001, and represents a perfect space in the than hiking routes.

In the central eastern area of ​​the Principality of Asturias, the Redes Natural Park presents a wide variety of landscapes and paths through which to enjoy nature while contemplating its abundant fauna and flora. In this way, the space, which also has several formations of glacial origin, stands out for its vegetation, since 40% of the territory is covered by wooded surfaces.

Throughout the Natural Park, it is possible to enjoy multiple peaks to ascend and from which to obtain great views of the entire Asturian horizon. Some of the most notable are the following:

  • The Retriñón.
  • La Peña’l Vientu.
  • Cantu l’Osu.
  • The Tiatordos.
  • The Rapainal.

Furthermore, thanks to the wear and tear produced by the rivers, it is possible to see multiple open valleys that form limestone rock gorges, such as those formed by the Alba or the Arrudos rivers.

Around the Redes Park, it is also possible to enjoy multiple hiking routes where you can enjoy all the characteristic species of the northern peninsula, such as the brown bear, the capercaillie or the wolf, among others. Likewise, plant species such as the sessile oak are very prominent in the area, although it stands out mainly for the beech forests it houses.

Dawn Route through the Redes Natural Park

The Alba route, also called Foces del Llaimo, is one of the main routes of the Redes Natural Park. This follows the course of the Alba River, which together with the Deboyu Cave and the Tabón del Mongayu represent the three most significant natural monuments of the park.

During the tour, it will be possible to enjoy areas with impressive waterfalls or others in silence, where you can enjoy the sound of nature. Thus, the route, 7 and a half kilometers long and an estimated duration of just over 2 hours, crosses a fully signposted trail that is difficult to get lost due to its low technical difficulty. In this way, the path presents an ideal option to spend time surrounded by environmental wonders with family or friends.

To begin, you will have to go to the town of Soto de Agues, which can be accessed thanks to the SC2 detour of the AS-117. Upon arrival, it will be possible to park in the parking lot at the entrance of the villa to continue the tour on foot. In this way, it will be necessary to go to the Laundry from which you can see a long path, used by shepherds in ancient times, and which today has been reconditioned for the crossing. Before venturing there, it is advisable to check the information sign at the entrance, which shows the different milestones that you will have to pass through.

Shortly after starting, it will be possible to glimpse a construction that will have to be skirted until continuing on the right to reach the Alba River gorge. Then you have to continue along its course until you reach the area of ​​Brañas de Vega and Retortoriu, where other options are presented, such as modifying the itinerary for a circular route, although more extensive.

If you continue with the established plan, the path narrows noticeably, entering walls with multiple waterfalls and pools, which will also have to be crossed along different bridges. Shortly after, it will be possible to reach the Cruz de los Ríos, where it is possible to enjoy the magnificent views and a rest area where you can have lunch or hydrate.

The route ends at this point, so once you have rested you will have to return the way you left until you reach the Laundry Room, from which you will go to the parking lot to take the car back. In the same way, it is possible to review all the specifications of the route in one of the many hiking applications available for both Android and iOS.

Pets are also welcome on this route. Although the Redes Natural Park requires that all dogs be under the effective control of their owners, preferably on a leash. Therefore, it is advisable to review these regulations on their website, as well as the rest of the instructions regarding respect for the environment and activities not permitted before starting the itinerary.

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