Montero and Bolaños launch an attack against the PP and stop their offensive in Congress

The PP had prepared for this Wednesday an offensive in Congress due to the corruption scandals that directly or indirectly affect the Government. Seven PP deputies against two ministers: the first vice president, María Jesús Montero, and the Presidency, Félix Bolaños. Alone on their side of the blue bench due to the absence of Pedro Sánchez, Yolanda Díaz and up to 11 members of the Council of Ministers who have gone to Portugal for the Portuguese-Spanish summit, both have been enough to clear up the questions and go on the attack against the new revelations about Isabel Díaz Ayuso and her partner.

The slogan of the day in the ranks of the PP was clear: to install the idea that the Government has no possible salvation, after one of the main leaders of the party, Elías Bendodo, recognized behind closed doors that it is most likely that Sánchez will achieve release the 2025 General Budgets and, therefore, tie up the legislature.

The Secretary General Cuca Gamarra has opened fire: “Take your hands off the State Attorney General’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office. Stop using them to cover up your corruption, nothing is going to save you.” Gamarra has pointed out the “perverse legacy” of a Government, which, he said, is “nervous” about a ‘pendrive’ of the former minister and pointed out by the ‘Koldo case’ José Luis Ábalos, an express reference to a head of one of the leading media of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Montero has blurted out that the PP practices “garbage politics” and has defended that “Spain is doing well” after reading the latest economic growth forecasts. “What you express is absolute frustration because you have no political project. What proposal do you make regarding housing? What plans do you have for young people, for pensions? None,” the first vice president concluded.

After Gamarra, it is the turn of the PP vice-secretary of Economy, Juan Bravo, who has reproached Montero for the ‘ERE case’, because the vice-president was finance minister of the Andalusian Government, and the current ‘Koldo case’. “Every government in which he participates has scandals. “Causality or coincidence?” he joked. “He has a professorship in looking the other way,” he added. “If he didn’t know anything, he should resign. If he covered it up, he should resign because we do not deserve a corrupt government,” he concluded.

Montero has revolted against his successor at the head of the Andalusian economy, and has reminded him that his government continued with the ERE payments that the justice system has considered were approved by an illegal procedure. Thus, Bravo has ended up justifying his own government action, while Montero has taken the opportunity to launch the fiscal and judicial problems of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner: “Mr. Bravo, who was or are a Treasury inspector, did you tell Mrs. Do I help that a person cannot commit tax crimes with false invoices? “That companies cannot deduct the purchase of a Rolex, a saxophone, or a trip from expenses that are absolutely inappropriate and that are private?” he snapped at the Government during the control session.

This same Wednesday, the Ser network has published that Ayuso’s partner tried to deduct the rental of two vehicles used on his vacation with the Madrid president, and that the Community of Madrid paid with public money for the use of the authorities room at the Madrid airport. Decks.

The deputy secretary of Organization, Carmen Fúnez, has also followed the path designed, who has blurted out that “lies and corruption are the common threads of ‘sanchismo’.” “The attorney general has not yet resigned and the Spanish do not understand it. This is more than just Koldo, there are 11 ministries involved and ‘pendrives’ that hold something very important,” he said. Fúnez has questioned “the rescue of Air Europa”, which he has classified as “one of the greatest successes of the Koldo plot”.

Montero has reminded him that the justice system has already said that it sees no problems in the rescue of Spain’s main private airline during the pandemic (in reality, two loans that are being returned). “They shamelessly invent any issue that allows them to feed a discourse that hides the fact that they have no project for Spain,” he told him. “They only want to fan the fire of corruption with fake news so that the pseudo media can give it publicity,” he added. The vice president has contrasted the Government’s “complete agenda” with the absence of proposals from the PP.

Bolaños, second round

The PP offensive has continued with the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, who has answered four consecutive questions from the main opposition party. The first to attack him was the parliamentary spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, who joked about the “loneliness” of Montero and Bolaños himself.

Tellado has maintained that the rest of the Government is “on the run”, something he already said yesterday in a press conference, and has pointed out that the two highest representatives today are “the last in the Philippines to defend the ‘bullion clan’”. of the Executive. Another reference to an insurmountable defeat.

Bolaños began by reminding him that the missing ministers are in Portugal, at a summit with the neighboring country. Miguel Tellado was ironic about the apparent loneliness in Congress of Bolaños and the first vice president, María Jesús Montero. Tellado has alluded to his loneliness, while the minister has reminded him that Pedro Sánchez and other ministers are attending a summit between Spain and Portugal in the Algarve starting today.

Bolaños has responded to the attack and told Tellado that he is “very nervous” because of “that exemplary boss who goes on vacation at the expense of Madrid taxpayers,” in reference to Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Tellado has considered the Government amortized and has assured that “the boss” is not Ayuso, but Pedro Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez. Bolaños has settled: “There is a Government for a while and Mr. Feijóo for a little while.”

The Minister of the Presidency has also confronted Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, who has attacked the Government for supposedly using the institutions and placing similar people such as Ángel García Ortiz in them. Bolaños snapped at him: “Who are you with? With a tax fraudster or with the Prosecutor who pursues the crime?

Álvarez de Toledo has gone from attack to defense, and has protected Ayuso’s partner from his seat. “That person you call a confessed criminal is as presumed innocent as you,” he responded. Bolaños has accused her of spreading hoaxes, and of having experience in doing so. The minister reminded her that she was the chief of staff of the general secretary of the PP between 2004 and 2008, Ángel Acebes, one of the main promoters of the falsehoods about the authorship of the 11-M attack. “You are with the hoaxes and the criminals, your story and that of your party,” Bolaños concluded.

Morant orders Tellado to shut up

With Pedro Sánchez absent, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has chosen not to go to Congress either, but to visit a charter school in a neighborhood in Madrid and thus, once again, avoid journalists. Feijóo has not seen the development of the control session live, which ended with an almost unprecedented gesture, or one that the Chamber’s television cameras do not usually capture.

The recent incorporation of Óscar López as Minister of Digital Transition has caused the socialist leader to be the last of the occupants of the blue bench, where the members of the cabinet are placed in order of seniority of their respective departments. López’s seat is just in front of the PP leadership: Feijóo, Gamarra and Tellado.

López received two questions this Wednesday, which he also used to attack the opposition. But at that point the nerves in the PP bench were evident. The control session has gone into a ‘crescendo’ of interruptions, kicking and continuous interpellations from the seats on the right against the Government and other deputies.

One of the most active in this chapter is always the spokesperson for the PP. Tellado has added almost every sentence of López out loud, sometimes even audible from the minister’s microphone. Until another minister, the Minister of Universities, Diana Morant, has had enough and has turned around to reproach him for his attitude. “But can you shut up now?”, could be read in her mouth through the screens. Tellado replied something to her and she insisted: “Shut up.” Morán turned around again and muttered to herself a clear “damn, please” with which she put an end to the questions in the control session with which the PP, once again, hoped to corner the Government. Again without much success.

#Montero #Bolaños #launch #attack #stop #offensive #Congress

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