Like any other part of the body, we also experience aging in the mouth. This manifests itself in several ways: falling pieces, wear of the enamel, stains on it, yellow teeth… And although it is not as urgent as other dental conditions, yellow teeth can cost you confidence and willingness to smile: cover your mouth when you smile, avoid taking photos up close so that the darkened white is not visible…
Why do they change color? There are numerous reasons, among which genetics and diet stand out, but, luckily, prevent the color change of your teeth It can be as simple as changing some routines.
Foods that damage tooth enamel
The teeth become yellower or stained with age due to certain pigmented foods and drinks and enamel wear. As indicated by Dr. Sofía Cortés, from Sofía Cortés Dental Clinic and Dental Aesthetics, “each tooth has a enamel color base “But many times they present intrinsic stains on the teeth that may be related to the quality of the enamel and porosity.” Most stains are exogenous caused by diet, tobacco… which can be eliminated through dental prophylaxis (dental cleaning).
According to Manuela Escorial, the dentist responsible for health care at Sanitas, “it is not necessary to stop enjoying those foods that, due to their characteristics, can stain the teeth, but it is necessary to take into account a series of habits to minimize their impact.” However, it is worth knowing what some of them are:
– Red fruits: despite being loaded with benefits, and that their consumption is recommended above all else, do not forget to brush your teeth after eating.
– Tomato sauce: “In addition to containing a highly pigmented color, it is also acidic, which can soften the enamel layer on the teeth and make them more porous and susceptible to stains,” warns the expert.
– Red wine: It is one of the products that we have to watch the most if we want to keep stains at bay. In addition to staining our teeth and producing a notable unsightly effect while we take it, in the long term and consumed regularly, it causes stains to appear on the teeth.
– Coffee and tea: Both contain tannins, which will favor the darker appearance of the teeth. They can also alter the balance of the bacterial flora and promote the formation of tartar plaques. “Mixing them with milk will minimize their effect,” says the Sanitas Dental dentist.
In addition to taking these foods into account as part of the most harmful, Sofía Cortés recommends “carrying out hygiene every 6 and 8 months, having good hygiene and maintenance at home, changing the brush every month -or month and a half-, using a paste “That allows us to have a good polishing and finishing of the enamel.”
This tooth brushing should be like this:
– Brush our teeth for more than two minutes.
– Rub the teeth firmly.
– Don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating.
– Do not use a worn toothbrush.
– Use dental floss.
– Change the direction of brushing.
– Take into account the gums.
– Use mouthwash when you have brushed your teeth.
If we have yellow teeth…
If today your teeth are already this dreaded shade, all is not lost. The dentist Sofía Cortés affirms that in her clinic the stains will be removed, the condition and appearance of the enamel will be improved with ‘airlfow’ hygiene and through whitening. “We remove stains using the ‘airflow’ system, we use erythritol under pressure that allows us to eliminate supra- and subgingival plaque,” he says.
The dentist continues to say that polishing is performed with baking soda, polishing pastes along with brushes and prophylaxis cups: “When we remove exogenous stains, we schedule whitening applications in several sessions,” she explains.
Dr. Irene Esteve, dentist and expert in Dentofacial Aesthetics, warns that “oral aging does not affect all people in the same way, and many of these conditions can be prevented with proper dental care and regular visits to the dentist. In addition, there are ‘anti-aging’ treatments that focus on improving the health and appearance of gums and teeth.”
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