Homophobic incident at an Opus university

Good morning!

Last Thursday there was a rather unpleasant incident at the University of Navarra with Minister Marlaska. Not in the public but in the private, which belongs to Opus Dei; There has been some confusion because they have very similar names. And it is not the first time that this has happened to a socialist leader at this university. The president of Navarra, María Chivite, suffered a similar episode last April.

This time it happened at an event held by the minister at the Faculty of Communication. Several students chased him and insulted him, shouting “son of a bitch,” “corrupt,” and “faggot.”

You will not read in this newsletter criticism of a protesting and active student movement, of an escrache even depending on how it occurs – the university must encourage that critical spirit – but homophobia is several towns beyond what is permissible.

Especially because it is beginning to be relatively recurrent in this Catholic center. A few months ago it was the turn of law students, who this time left it in writing in the visitors’ book during a day in the Navarrese Parliament: “Zorra”, “etharra”, they called Chivite. Yesterday like today the university announced files, investigations.

We will follow the case to see how it ends; it is common for these announcements to be made in the heat of controversy and then the matter is forgotten.

Habemus Selectivity

Change of third to tell you that on Friday the majority of the Selectivity exams were finally announced. I don’t know if it’s enough to say that the students have finally gotten their way because the reality is that this should have been ready before the course started and not with a month and a half of class already behind them, but it seems that the protests in recent weeks have had an effect and many communities have finally published their models.

I remind you that although there are months left to take the tests for the students (and their teachers too) it is important to know what the exams are going to be like because the course is basically dedicated to preparing them, and it is obvious that it is difficult to prepare something that you do not know how. is. All this with the addition that this year the exam changes (in theory), if it were the same as always there would be no problem.

We have compiled the models that have been revealed in this article, with links to the official pages for your consultation.

By the way, the Government is preparing a modification so that foreign students can pass the Selectivity exam if they want to go to University coming from another country (something that has not happened until now). They will be able to take exams similar to the PAU (although adapted) at the UNED headquarters.

This week we talked about…

  • Supreme blow to the universities. Last week we came a little closer to the end of a story that we have been telling you for more than a year: the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of researchers with a María Zambrano or Margarita Salas contract against the universities in their battle because rectorates pay the employer’s Social Security contribution with their own funds. The call that the ministry wrote was confusing and many universities took the opportunity to pay their obligations with the money that in theory was for the researcher. It was almost a thousand euros a month or so, which generated a legal battle with victories for both sides. Now the TS sides with the investigators, although the sentence is not yet final. Here I leave you an article in which we explain all this and the current moment; Here is another one in which we have spoken with several researchers about what it has meant for them to live with almost a thousand euros per month less than what they thought they were going to earn.
  • Ayuso’s plan to ‘return to the 90s’ collides with the law. The president of Madrid wants to return 1st and 2nd years of ESO to schools. It is how the system was structured with BUP and COU (the institute started at 14 years old, not at 12 like now), those of you who, like me, lived through that system remember it. The president only has one little problem: she is against the law. In addition to that – it has not always been a problem for Ayuso – he basically has the entire educational community against him. “It is unnecessary and attacks a non-existent problem,” they argue. This piece explains in detail both the legal problem and the arguments of teachers, directors and unions to oppose it.

To upload grade

  • The teacher who had a record and a 10 for the same reason. Yván Pozuelo is a secondary school teacher who rose to fame for giving his students a 10 by default. It motivates them, he says. The Government of Asturias does not seem to agree, because it opened a handful of files for this. The irony is that now the same administration has given him a 10 in a competition for a professorship in which his method has been positively valued. “They even scored the book where I explain my method, which is what triggered everything,” he explains, unable to understand anything.
  • “The new teachers will spend two years accompanied.” The Country has interviewed Abelardo de la Rosa, the new Secretary of State for Education, who has announced some news about teacher training and comments on other current educational issues, such as the famous ratios.
  • Microcredentials come to the University. For some time now, rectorates have been thinking about how to expand their target audience, currently very limited to long-term training such as degrees or master’s degrees, which become excessive for many people. This is where microcredentials come in, small certified educational experiences, aimed at continuous training or requalification. The Conversation explains what they are and the advantages they offer.

#Homophobic #incident #Opus #university

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